Chapter Twenty One

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     Anna sat upon a purple sofa, staring into the flickering flames that lit up the fireplace in front of her. To her left, Vidro and Analise were sat, wrapped up in each other's warm embrace. Anna glanced up just in time to see Vidro lean forward and kiss Analise’s soft, pink lips. Analise’s eyes widened, as though she wasn't at all expecting a kiss from the prince. Anna smiled, surprised that Analise never caught on to the way that Vidro stares at her or flirts with her.
     Lydia sat in an armchair, fast asleep with a book resting limply in her lap. Carvar sat on the sofa to the right of Anna, playing a card game against Thomas, who was sat in another arm chair. The two were very tensely enveloped within their game. A flare of pain rushed through Anna’s head, making her hands dart upwards to grip onto her skull. She rubbed small circles into her throbbing temple, agony making her body tremble slightly.  “You okay there Anna?” Vidro asked, looking back at her. Anna nodded before shrinking into herself slightly.
     Her skin paled, the color rushing from her face. Thomas looked up and frowned. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. Anna’s eyes drifted closed. Her hearing seemed to fade, making everyone around her sound muffled and distorted. “Bella?” she heard Thomas call out before her consciousness faded into nothingness. Anna’s body began to convulse and spasm as though she was having a seizure.
     Vidro turned suddenly and pinned her down. Carvar quickly dropped his cards and grabbed onto Anna as well. Lydia woke up in the panic and sat up. She ran over to Anna and placed her hand upon Anna's forehead. It was hot and sweaty, as though she had been working out in a field, doing manual labour.
     Lydia let out a cry and fell backwards, her body twitching slightly. “There's someone in her mind. Someone stronger than me. I can't kick them out. We're just going to have to leave her like this, until they're done with her,” Lydia explained, panting heavily. Thomas and Vidro both stared with wide eyes, horrified by the thought of leaving Anna to fend for herself while someone pulls her apart mentally.

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