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| jack |

a presence pressed against jack's chest, the sun shining into his room, illuminating it in a yellow hue. he looks down to see zach laying on his chest, a content look spread across his lips.

the previous night zach had come over to help jack babysit his younger sister, who insisted zach spend the night. even if it was a school night, zach's parents usually never minded him spending the night at jack's seeing as the pair were inseparable, always attached to the hip.

"zach," he softly says running a hand through his messy hair. zach hums, whining for jack to leave him alone. "wake up." jack chuckles pushing the younger boy off of him. zach rolls to the other side of the bed closest to the wall. he attempts to pull the covers over his body, but jack had other plans.

he tackles the younger boy, pinning his arms above his head, glaring playfully at him.

"you're not going back to sleep." jack's breath fans zach's cheeks making him squirm under jack's gaze.

for jack and zach this was normal, if it had been anyone else it would be weird. but these two since the start of their friendship had been weird.

zach with all his body strength pushes jack off of him, the elder boy falling to the floor with a loud thud. an painful ow falls from his lips, as he stared over to zach who was doubled over in laughter.

"it's not funny." jack whines sitting up from the floor.

"it kinda is."

jack rolls his eyes, getting up from the floor. he gave zach the silent treatment, not listening to him whine and beg for him to come back.

he makes his way downstairs, his younger sister ava was sat at the table eating breakfast she had made for herself. their parents were rarely home, leaving jack's older sister sydnie to take care of her siblings. when she was off at college jack took over the parent duties. it was rare their parents were home, which left jack and sydnie to take care of their siblings.

jack grabs two bowl from the sink, washing them out quickly. even if he was giving zach the silent treatment, the boy needed to eat.

"did you fall or something earlier?" ava questions jack, who was pouring him and zach a bowl of caption crunch.

"zach pushed me off the bed." he grabs two spoons from the silverware drawer, plopping them into the two bowls.

"and i said i was sorry." zach appears, fully dressed in one of jack's black hoodies and his sweatpants. it was normal for them to share clothes, and it was a plus seeing as they were both nearly the same size in everything but shoes.

ava stands, putting her bowl in the sink shaking her head at the two. "i have a parent teacher conference today," ava says handing jack the slip of paper from the counter. "is sydnie going?"

jack shrugs. "i'll text her."

zach frowns, ever since the two had become friends he noticed jack had all the parent like responsibilities, he never got to party or be a teen because of his parents selfishness. his older sister also never got that, having to grow up from a young age to provide for her siblings.

the three eat in silence, enjoying their food. jack and zach sat next to each other sending each other quick glances and playful smiles.

"jacky." isla tiredly says,  yawning. jack looks over to isla, who was rubbing sleep from her eyes. jack smiles softly at her, standing up. he walks to the fridge grabbing the milk he had put away.

"what kind do you want?" jack questions opening the cupboard. isla points to the lucky charms. jack grabs it out of the cupboard, grabbing a bowl from the sink.

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