part 3

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I go in and sit on couch all frustrated about today. How much I hate school. I heard knock on door. If it's someone from gang why they knock? I get up and open door and of course see Dorsa. "What you want?" I ask. "Can't I spend some time with you baby" she ask and she wanted to put hand on my cheek but I didn't let her. "No" I say. "And stop call me baby" I added. "Why?" "We are not together and we never will be. Why do you even love me. Your and my gang are in big fight" I say now getting mad. "But we don't need to be" she say. I shout door in her face and lock it. "We will be together one day" I heard her yell. I roll my eyes and sit back on couch. I heard engines and look through the window. I unlock door and they come in. "Dorsa again tryed?" Alex ask/say. "Yes. She need to stop" I say. Then my phone vibrates and it's Marcus. "I need to go home." I say and get up. I want to know what he want. I'm on my way but then saw car in front of Asal's house. It's difrent car then from one woman who come to clean once a week. Then I saw woman and man get out and boy and girl. Is it... No it isn't Asal. It don't look like her. When I now think about her all memories come back. I will never forgot her and I really mean it what I tell. I come home and saw Marcus ready to go somewhere. "You need to be with Emma I need go" he say. "fine" I say. He go out and I sit down. Great now I'm sad.

Oh Martinus is part of gang 😮

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