part 11

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"Bye" I say to Martinus and hug him. "see ya tomorrow" he say and I go to Marcus and say bye to him too and hug him. On my way home I get message from unknown.

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I really don't want to do what she say but I want him alive

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I really don't want to do what she say but I want him alive. But now I get it. She is really crazy in love with him and if he love her back Steve will have him on his side. I actally have little crush on him but I'm scared that he will hurt me. I need to get over my fear ugh. Why aren't I afraid of bugs like other girls. How should I do that. I lay in my bed and just think. Just come to Marcus and say I feel something from him. I have idea. She have it too but I can make Martinus find out. Oh Dorsa I alredy know you. I fall asleep just thinking if it will end up good. Next day I go in school when I saw Martinus leave. I will walk to be with Marcus. Since I didn't saw Dorsa in school who know maybe she will be close so I need to act. "hey Marcus" I say and he smile. "hey" he say and we hug. "I have question" I say. "Ask" "do you have girlfriend?" "No" he say and look away for moment. "Okay" I say. While walking I slow little bit so do he. I take his hand and I see him blush little. Fuck. If he have feelings for me I will end up braking both of them. I just stop and kiss him. I don't know how to make this work in one day ... "I love you" I say trying to sound real. "I-I love you too" shit.

Oh no 😮

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