part 14

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I come at Marcus place and we go in living room. "Okay I need you to explain me everything" he say. I show him messages with Dorsa and tell him what she said before I come here. "this actally isn't fake because they really have guns and she alredy did something like that but I can't remember with who" he say. "But Marcus do you really love me?" "I was confused with my feelings but I like Lisa more then you" he say. "Okay I have idea how we will make Martinus find out" I say with smirk.


I can't belive I tought she really like me. I go to window and whatch her go away but then I saw her and Dorsa talk and Dorsa look like she enjoy in something. But why is she here? I go in the kitchen to take something to eat. I don't want to eat but I need to. Then knock on door. Ugh. "What" I ask when I saw Dorsa. "Hey baby. I heard Asal brake your heart. I can help you get over her." she say. "No" "b.." "NO" I yelled so loud and it make her scered. I drag her inside house and take away her gun and I push her in living room. "what are..." "Shut the fuck up" I yelled and she look really scered now. I look at her gun and I see it's full. "Sit" I say and she do it. "Listen me now. I don't fucking care about how big crush you have on me. I still love Asal and I always will. You will stop come here or I will kill you with your gun. I know Steve won't give you new one again. Now get the fuck out and don't talk to me ever again" I say and she get out fast. I'm done with her she is so anoying.

Martinus is mad and broken at same time 😢

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