part 17

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We come to Martinus gang's house and he say I and Martinus will race. I'm scared little. What if we don't win. Who know what they will do to me. I just try not to think about it. Steve send message where they will race so we go there. "Hey Martinus, Asal" Lisa come to us. "Before you come here I saw Dorsa beside Asal's motorcycle. I think she did something I have video but I can't see what" she say and show us video. "It's like she put something here but I can't see" I say. I go to see my motorcycle but I can't see anything weird. "Okay Martinus if something hapined with my motorcycle then my sign will me if I rise my heand up." I say. "but what if I'm in front of you?" "You won't be. Just let me be in front we both know we can win this and one of them will be behind too you know it. So of something hapined fast come beside me okay." I say. "okay" he say. Then Steve and Dorsa come to us and I look really mad at Dorsa. "so you choose her" Martinus ask. "nope she choose herself." he say and Dorsa look at him like she will kill him. "but it's not important because we will win" "you don't know that" I say. "then let's see" she say. We go start and of course half of school is here and only who I know is gang, Marcus and Lisa and other gang only Dorsa and Steve but they are anyone. "ready" boy on side of way say. We nod. "go" he whistles and we start. And Steve and I are in front. I was first and I think I will win because Steve is behind and he look like he don't care. Then I saw something flash beside my leg in red coulour.

What it is?

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