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Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading Chapter 1! I apologize for any typos, and I promise that won't happen often.

Warnings: Minor Language



They could hear sirens in the distance after five more minutes of shooting went by. The gangs were beginning to scatter and flee but took some final shots.

Two members of the Simon City Royals ran by Cruz and Boden, running as fast as they could. A few last shots pierced the air, and one of the two men were shot. They face planted right into the ground dropping their silver shining gun that slid across the hard concrete. The other gangster didn't even look back.

Cruz and Boden looked at each other wondering if they should help him. Their idea was immediately shut down when the gangster slowly but surely regained his balanced as he pressed on the gunshot that grazed his arm. He grabbed his magnum and turned back to Boden and Cruz.

The gangster had brown hair that was lightened by the sun with eyes that matched the same color as chestnuts. He was tall with broad shoulders and looked like he was in pristine physical shape.

Boden's eyes locked with the gangster's, and Wallace could see right through that blue bandanna that hid the true identity of this boy. His heart sunk and he was having trouble focusing as the boy ran off leaving a trail of blood behind him. Boden shot up as fast as he could and ran after him

"Chief? What the hell?" Cruz yelled, but immediately joined his chief in the pursuit.


"Can we talk?"

Brett turned to Dawson who looked a bit concerned for her.

"I guess," Brett sighed, "Antonio and I didn't work out at all. Keon was always there when I needed someone to vent to, and I'm the only one who even knows anything about him." Brett answered furiously.

"What do you mean?" Gabby was trying her best to look at the road. The gunshot victim in the back was perfectly stable after it only grazed his left side. They were in no hurry to reach Med.

"Do you know anything personal about Keon? Like where he grew up, what he did before being a firefighter?"

Gabby realized she didn't know much about Keon. All she learned over the year and a half of working together was that he very stubborn on calls and didn't listen very well. He had some sort of anger problem, and Gabby could always see that he was desperate to "fit in" with everyone else. She didn't really know why she never got to know him. Maybe it was because they went through a dozen floaters to take Herrmann's spot, and she eventually stopped caring about what new guy showed up for shift. Keon Lyon ended up being the only tolerable floater that landed at the firehouse.

"Exactly!" Brett could see Dawson was thinking long and hard on her relationship with Keon. "No one in 51 has taken the time to know him, and it pisses me off! He's a really sweet guy." Gabby usually always laughed when Brett got mad, but not this time. Her thinking was soon interrupted by gunshots that cracked through the air.

"Was that coming from 10th street?" Brett asked nervously trying to see something from the ambulance mirrors,

"I'm turning around." Gabby halted to a sudden stop that shook the whole ambulance. She could hear their gunshot victim from the back yelling and complaining that he wanted to be let go.

The Boy Who Sold His Soul to the Devil in ChicagoWhere stories live. Discover now