A Lyon's Roar

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"Please, don't do this... I'm sorry!"

The clouds in the midnight sky dropped buckets of water onto Chicago as the thunder roared and lightning lit up the city.

Lee Henry looked over the man he had thrown into the mud behind the isolated warehouse.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." He spit in his face.

"Do you really want to do this, Lee Henry?" Micah stood behind him as they both looked down at the bloodied man pleading for his life.

"Please! I promise I can make it up to you! I'll do whatever you want!" The man choked on his sobs as his tears blended with the rain dropping on his face.

An evil grin appeared on Lee Henry's face as he laughed to himself.

"Burn in hell." Lee Henry put a gun to the man's forehead.

"Wait! Please! WAI-"


"Lee Henry? Wake up!"

His eyes shot open. He looked around nervously but remembered he was still in the hospital

"Dr. Rhodes said you can come home today, isn't that great?" Cindy smiled caringly, but he didn't respond. He noticed Matt, Gabby, and Wallace standing in the room also. Gabby gave him a death-stare as she had her arms crossed looking at him.

Dr. Rhodes came into the room and informed them of the process of checking-out Lee Henry.

Gabby snuck over beside him.

"We need to talk when I'm done shift." She whispered to him and his heart sank in fear.


Brett sat at the common room table by herself eating fluffy bright scrambled eggs that Cruz had prepared. Keon had just finished getting his plate together. Almost every day they ate together when breakfast was made, but he simply made eye contact and brushed past her sitting on the couch next to Mouch.

She looked at her eggs sadly and lost her appetite.

Earlier that morning coming into shift, she had confronted her friend of what Antonio told her and his hidden relationship. Overall, it turned into a screaming fest that let everyone in 51 know Keon's business.

"Hey! How was your morning?" Cruz asked cheerfully as he plopped himself into the chair across from her. Her thoughts were broken and his enthusiasm startled her.

"Not so good..." She replied quietly,

"That's okay! At least the eggs are good! Right?" He laughed happily.

"Yeah... they're great..." Brett was weirded out, "I'm going to make sure that the ambulance is stocked up for today." She added as Brett got up from her seat awkwardly.

"Okay! I'll wait here!" He watched her leave with a big smile on his face.

Keon rolled his eyes and sighed.

"So... gang life, huh?" Mouch said. Keon spit out his food and got up from the couch and left the common room. Once he was gone, Stella once again blurted out laughing.

"What is wrong with you?" She was standing beside the couch.

"I don't know... maybe he wanted to talk about his feelings?" Mouch replied shrugging his shoulders.

Otis laughed. "Dr. Mouch is in the house, everyone!"

"Well if everyone thought I was a murderer I'd want to talk to someone." Mouch replied defending himself as Otis laughed.

The Boy Who Sold His Soul to the Devil in ChicagoWhere stories live. Discover now