Lovely Gift To Cheer You Up: LemonBug

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The Ship of: cbug010 and TheLemonadeStand1

(Sorry You Two, don't have a picture for you)

3rd Person Pov:

Lemon was feeling 'down'. She was picked on by other local artists, her friends were busy, and her girlfriend Chloe was out of town. She got invited to an event, but she couldn't take her girlfriend. She had to leave. She tried several times, to return the ticket, but they wouldn't take it back. 


Her love, and her girl, Chloebug was out of town. She missed her. She sighed, and waited. She decided to go on Wattpad and write more stories, oh and draw. She didn't realize her girl, had just returned. 

Minutes pass as Lemon looked up and...


Lemon jumped,  dropping her electronic device and fell off the bed. Chloe was laughing, smiling. 

"CHLOE! Don't Scare me like that!"

She laughed. "Sorry, but... payback was needed." Chloe said. She was right. Lemon during a prank that made her jump out her skin. "Now, come help me unpack." Chloe said. They went downstairs only to see that she had twice as much stuff than what she packed.

Lemon's Pov:

I was in utter shock. How much stuff did Chloe Bring home? "Umm... Babe, why is there so much stuff?"

"Don't ask. Just... Help me." She said. I sighed, knowing the would be the 'aftermath' of seeing her again. I am now sorting three things..



-Other Items (Junk Basically.)

I keep unpacking when I pick up a box wrapped all fancy, but before I can look more at it, Chloe snatches it out of my hands, hiding it from me. I was suspicious, was she hiding something?

"Chloe, what's that?"

"Just Open it!" She said loudly, giving me the box. 

I opened the box and to my surprise it was a lovely teal scarf that was soooo soft. I hugged her.

"You happy?" She asked. 

I smiled. "I am now..." 

Author's Note: I am sick with a cold. I'm not undoing this. Enjoy! I got to do more,

Next Up: Calebpantsu- Dancing At Midnight.

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