Halloween Month: CalebPantsu - Disappearance

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Caleb was a traveler who protected everything in his Village.

Caleb hated this job.

Anna, his best friend who was a guard at her post disappeared. She Never Came Back.

They had been friends since Childhood.


She was at one of her posts when she mysteriously vanished. People all over town started to worry, fret, and cry. Where could the most beloved Knight have gone. Anna was also a pure Saint. She had made a vow of Chasity. She'd never drink, or do anything inappropriate. Caleb knew the rumors were anything but true.

"Anna! Anna!" Caleb said going out looking for her. He did this every day at 4:00pm and every night at 10:00pm. Caleb never stopped looking for her.

Ricky who was of Anna's best friends, gave up two months after her Disappearance. He was mad at him but understood. He wasn't as persistent. 

Caleb looked, and Never gave up. Anna told him to never give up.

"Never loose faith and Never give up!" Caleb reminded himself Anna's words.

Days later, Caleb kept hearing voices, and seeing things. he went to Anna's workplace: The Church, but they wouldn't go away. He tried to use the bible. Didn't work. Caleb was getting worried, so he asked Johnathan, one of Caleb's other friends. And in response, Johnathan told him Anna reportedly heard and saw things like that before her disappearance. Jeez this made him worry He worried, he too would go missing. Caleb later, heard a voice. It sounded like- no it couldn't be. Anna went messing. He followed the voice only to discover, he too would never return. And like Anna's Disappearance, would cause hysteria.

Author's Note: Sorry it's so short. Next one will be longer.

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