Author's Note: {Please Read} You Know what...

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You guys know what....

Forget The Schedule.

Time is a luxury I never seem to have and I can never have it so, we won't do the schedule. 

Plus I won't do LemonBug only because I forgot to ask these two:

TheLemonadeStand1 and cbug010

LemonBug is their ship, I should have asked them first. I apologize to both of you for not asking. Really, Chloe, Lemon, I really am sorry. I didn't ask you and that was my mistake.

But, aside from that...

I do plan for Corzy - To get Vampire's Mate out the way, then do some Corspe Bride done.

DaMostGamer- Bloody Mary will be a little creepy but otherwise, I know what I have plan and Crazy In Love will happen however Bleeding and Revenge is Best Served cold... will not happen!

CalebPantsu - King of Genocide will happen, but the others... No, I'll have to create new ones.

Error_One_Pinetreees - I don't know what I'm gonna do; gotta ask ErroR_MaN_CHilD and TwentyOnePinetrees what to do but next story: Error will be evil. Just gotta ask him.

Saurtis- I don't know what to do...

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