Saurtis - Beautiful Bunny~ Part One

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 ''Rabbit Freak''

''Hybrid Diaster''

Those were the labels and the names Samuel Gladiator, Sam Gladiator, or Just Sam would be called every day. He was teased every single day. His father got tired of the teasing and Bullying that was hurting his son, so he decided to move him to a new school. He came in on a Tuesday. 

{Taurtis's Pov:}

I was studying for the exam on History which I hate ( A: A subject I personally Love) when The principal came in. "Class, you have a new student. He moved here due to all the bullying for the way he was born. You are to respect him as he introduces himself and he stays at this school." The principal eyed Dom. "That includes you Dom, and..." He eyes me with a smirk on his face. "You too Mr. Briggs." Sure I'm a bad kid, like a rebel but I'm not evil. Like Dom. "Yes sir." I said. "And unless you want to be put in Detention, I suggest you keep those thoughts to your selves." And with That he left.

The new kid walked in and right away I blushed. I can understand why he was teased due to rabbit ears but Damn! He was cute. A real cutie if ya will. He's so cute! 

{Sam's Pov:}

I came in and everyone was staring at me. My eyes are quick to look at the board.  'Right Introduce yourself.' I breathed. "Heya! The Name's Sam. I hope We can be good pals." I say with excitement. I hear two people clap. Three if you count the teacher and two students. "Sam, take a seat where ever you feel like it." The teacher said. I sat down in the third sit behind a dude with spikes raven hair, and a blue shirt. 

[Time Skip Cause I'm Laaazzzzy~]

It was lunchtime and as I was walked down the hallway when my ears were pulled.  "Ow!" I said in pain. I turned to see this kid. "Hey Rabbit Freak, why do you look so-" "Knock it off Dom!" Said the spiked blue haired boy. "Really Tautis? You defend this fr-" He was stopped by a punch. In the face. "Come one Bunny Boy." He said grabbing my arm walking away without any teachers seeing us. As we were going down the hall, I smile. "Thanks for stepping in for me." He didn't even flinch. "You're welcome." "So.." He lets go of my arm. "People say I'm a bad person, do you believe that?" He asked. I didn't know what to say: Yes or No. If I said No, I could end in a bad relationship, I mean I end up in one with Invader.  Plus he punched someone in the face, and I really don't and shouldn't interact with People who hurt others but.... he did save me. 


Author's Note: What do you think is gonna happen?

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