Spideypool - To Roleplay or To Not Roleplay

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Author's Note: This is the only picture I wanted.

Also WARNING: SWEARING/PROFANITY Is in this so If you don't like it: Skip this story. Like Immediately! 

Please little ones I don't want to be the reason Your childhood is Ruinned! Please! Otherwise, the rest of you can go onwards.

Spiderman, or Peter rather was really Tired of Flash picking on him. He was annoyed by the fact He told him that Spiderman is too cool to be hanging with 'losers' like Peter. He already had to deal with Mr. Stark constantly watching his every move, and not to mention his superhero Dormmate Deadpool, or Wade if you will. He didn't need Flash giving him more than he can chew. 

"What is Flash's Problem?" He said. He was thinking to himself when he froze as Wade slammed the door open."Hey Spidey~" "Wade, go the hell away." Peter said, not wanting to with Wade antics today. He didn't need the hell Wade brung. "Woah, Did Spidey wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Wade teased. Peter had it with that 'Wrong side of the bed.'

"Shut The Fuck Up! I already have enough problems, Mr. Stark watches my every move, I can't even go to School without being watched, You're annoying as hell. You make me mad when you don't care for my feelings, You make me feel invisible! Am I nothing to you?! Plus Flash is always giving me more than I can chew with his problems and he.... he..." Peter stopped and started cry.  Peter never felt so alone. 

"Peter, look at me." Deadpool said. "Go away." Deadpool let out a sigh, and left. He had an idea.

"Ok, Reader, crazy Idea but what If Me and Spidey do Roleplay to help his problems?" Wade- 

"Author, pick one or the other." 

(Fine, Deadpool.)

Deadpool came in the room with two chairs, and some paper with Terrible writing. "Hey!" Deadpool said to the author, catching Peter's attention. He looked at Peter. "Look Peter, I have an idea. You seem to think you can't handle Flash and his problems. So, I have decided we are gonna do Roleplay."

"Wade, I am not a fucking child."

"Peter, this will help. And another thing. I don't think you're nothing, I care for you. I ignore the feelings because I don't want you to think I care too much. Now... Pretend I'm Flash and I'm bullying you. Okay, what would you do if you were being bullied by me, Flash?" 


"Seriously Peter, Now, what would you do?"

{Time Skip: I'm Lazy, and I don't know how to Roleplay in my stories.} 

"Really Author?" 

{Yes Really, Anyways Time Skip:}

Peter went to School and opened his locker. He got his stuff, but was pushed by Flash. "Hey Parker, you still owe me from Gym Class!" He said Pushing Peter down. "Cough it up, or else it's the locker for a day!" Peter truly didn't own him anyways, It was just Flash's Way of getting money.

 'Remember what I and Wade did. Let's hope his stupid Idea works.' Peter stood up. "Shut up." He said. "What did you say?!" Flash said. "Shut up! I don't owe you anything. What, me being myself bothers you so much that you Fucking pick on me? I didn't ask for your opinions, Flash. I'm tired of the way you make me feel. I don't need you bothering me, because I'm trying to make it to College, without you making it so hard for me! So It's not like I go home and feel alone because you're a jerk and you mess up my life, So forgive me If I don't have anything to give you, Flash, but I don't need you demanding fucking things from me." Peter said as he picked up his books, and left like nothing happened. 

He went to his normal classes, wasn't bothered or scolded because no one heard them or saw them. Peter went home as they dismissed school, he got to his place where Wade was waiting. "Well?" Deadpool asked. "He didn't bother me, after I told him." "Great!" He said smiling at Peter. The two went to do separate things: Peter did homework and Chores, while Deadpool made art. However a knock at the door interrupted his train. "Coming Stark." He opened the door. "Where's Peter?" Tony was mad, guess Peter forgot about the Stark watches his fucking every move. Peter froze in his little room. "Why do you ask?" "He cussed a kid out that he didn't need-" "Oh Stark chill, I told him to."

"Deadpool! W-why?!" He said now more angry at Deadpool. "He was having a hard time, and felt helpless. I did the kid a favor." "Dead-" "And where were you when he fucking needed you? Busy? No Stark, You were not there when he needed you to be, So don't sass me out because you weren't. there. for. him." Deadpool said with a smirk on his face. After Tony left, Peter sighed. "Can I have a hug?" Deadpool usually was the one who wanted hugs, now it swapped. "Of course pal." He said. "Thank you." 

Author's Note: I think this took Calebpantsu's record for longest set of words.

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