DamostGamer - First Burn Karaoke

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"And now..." The announcer said. 

Wren and Breanna or Potato had signed for a singing competition to prove their roommate wrong, also to win the competition and have fun. 

~Two Weeks Ago~

"You can't go, Wren, you're just a kid." He said this to tease her, she knew he was teasing her. She didn't listen. Potato was glaring intensely at him, he told her she couldn't do and her response was:

"Boy, Watch Me!" She said, growling under her breath. And he laughed not knowing the two were serious. Like Dead Serious.

~Present Day~ 

"Potato and Weirdo sing.... First Burn!" 

The audience roared. The reason they called theirselves that is because the restaurant wouldn't allow people to use their real names and well.. Wren was not liked by Brittany the bartender. She hadn't done anything wrong, and she never entered the bar. Sure, she was clumsy, but she never noticed her. 

~Three Months Ago~

Wren was dancing. She stopped to take a drink when she noticed the Bartender was listening to Set It Off's Killer in the Mirror. Wren got excited, 'Finally another fan of Set It Off.' she calmed her self, and kept dancing.She didn't notice Brittany got up and saw her dancing. She decided to trip her, and laugh at how she looked, and how she sang. 

The. Absolute Nerve.

"Haven't I made it clear? 

Want me to spell it out for you?


Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it cl- Ah!" Wren said, falling, scraping her knee on the hard concrete. she looked up to see the same girl laughing at her.

"Hahaha, you look stupid. That song is so overrated." She said. "You look so stupid. Look at yourself." Wren was wearing a cute tank top and some shorts. "I look nic-" "Look nice? You look like trash, and your voice is annoying. Go cry alone. You can't even sing if you want to." Wren hated this. She was being a bully and a Jerkface. Wren came home and started sobbing.

~Present Day~

Potato started to sing:

"I saved every letter you wrote me

From the moment  I saw you,

I knew you were mine,

You said you were mine,

I thought you were mine~

Do you know what Angelica said when I told her what you'd done?

She said,

"You have married an Icarus, He has flown too close to the sun.

Don't Take another step in my direction. I can't be trusted around you."

Don't think you can talk your way

Into my arms, Into my arms.

I'm burning the letters you wrote me

You can stand one their if you want,

I don't who you are 

I have some much to learn,

I'm rereading your letters and watching them Burn. 

Buuurrrnn, I'm watching them burn." 

Weirdo then chimed in:

"You published the letters she wrote you,

You told the Whole world how you brought this girl into our bed,

In clearing your name you have ruined our lives!

Heaven forbid someone whisper

 "He's part of some scheme."

Your enemy whispers so you have to scream!

I know about whispers." 

Both sang this line together, with a grin on Potato's Face and a smirk on Weirdo's.

"I see how you look at my sister." 

The crowd oohed. Weirdo continued.


I'm not naive, 

I have seen women around you, 


Think I don't see how the fall for your charms

All your Charms!

I'm erasing myself from the Narrative,

Let further Historians wonder how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart,

You have thrown it all away, Stand back watch it Burrrnnn

Just watch it all burn"

Both decided to sing together

"And when the time comes, 

Explain to the children

The pain and embarrassment you put their mother through!"  

Weirdo chimed in again

"When you learn that they are Your Legacy, We are you Legacy!" 

They both chimed in

"If you thought you were mine, mine, Mine Mine!


The song ended, and the crowd roared with applause and roses thrown as Breanna and Wren took a bow. 

Wren went off stage. "We were amazing! We sang so good, and I can't wait to see Alexander's face."

She smiled. "So Potato, Sushi on me tonight, You and I deserve-"

"Deserve what?" Brittany interrupted. "Deserve a win? Please. You're a ugly piece of trash who can't sing plus who has a girlfriend, which makes you a homo. You are so ugly."

"You're trash!" Brittany said. Breanna smacked her. "Your Attitude is trash! Don't be judging this sweet Potato. You trash yourself!" (Author's Note: Burrrrrnnnnn!)

She tried to beat them to a bloody pulp until....

"Brittany, You're fired!" Her boss said dismissing her, then turning to the two. "Ladies, your prize~" He said with a smirk on his face. He gave them a trophy and a briefcase. "Goodnight." They went out for Sushi, and went to their condo. They got upstairs, and went in their bedroom. Wren opened the briefcase after they saw Alex's face: Priceless. "Breaaaaannnnnnnaaaaa! We're Rich as gold!" She said, Breanna smirked.

Author's Note: I wrote the most words for the first one, will change. 

Next up: Error_One_Pinetrees - Fever's Not Going Down

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