before i close my eyes

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During school the next day, Markus and Katherine continued to taunt me, and to make matters worse, Wyatt wasn't there. I don't know why, his friends wouldn't tell me, but they did give me his phone number. Anyways, once I finally escaped that living hell, I decided that I should visit Noah and I's hideout.

It was called Camp Nax, our names combined. Back then, when Noah was still around, we went there everyday after school, talking and just being ourselves. It was fun, and I miss it. Which is why I still go there sometimes, so I could have some time alone.

I trudged up the small mountain, all the way to the top, breathing heavily once I had arrived. I scanned the area, my eyes resting on a figure, getting up off the ground. "Noah!?" I screamed.  No, Wyatt. He shrieked and I panicked, sprinting over to him and pulling him into my chest, just before he fell. "What are you doing? You almost fell off!" I said loudly, worry drenching my words. Wyatt looked up at me, his eyes puffy and nose red. Had he been crying?

"Your the one who screamed my name idiot!" He pushed out of my grip, walking away. He was obviously not in a good mood. I didn't want him to be mad. Especially at me. He was all I had right now.

"Sorry, nobody comes up here." I said, hoping he'd calm down and show me that beautiful smile. It didn't help, it seemed to make him angrier actually.

"Well you're here." He said with a tone that made me upset, annoyed.

"No.." I started, carefully. "You're here. Why are you here?" I say a little more defensively than I intended to. Wyatt shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry, didn't know you owned this place." He said, using that sarcastic tone I hated. I was getting more annoyed each word he said.

"What the hell is your problem?" I say, scanning his face, trying to make out what he was thinking in that thick skull of his. He clicked his tongue, chewing at his bottom lip.

"It's none of your fucking business," Wyatt snapped.

"Damn, I was just tryna help." I sighed, done with the whole situation. I really don't understand what his problem was. Did I do something wrong?

"Okay fine, since you have to know everyone's business, my parents kicked me out." His voice cracked and I frowned. The sun was shining on his freckled face, revealing the layer of water that glossed his eyes. He sniffled, rubbing his eyes. "How're you gonna help me with that.." He broke, covering his face as the water flowed out of his eyes like a river. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his frail body.

"It's okay.." I whispered. "I live with my grandma, but she's never home, you can stay with me if you want too." I bring my hands up to his cheeks, pulling his face up towards my own. He sniffled and I squished his cheeks, chuckling. Wyatt smiled and I could swear, he looked identical to Noah. I brought my right hand down to his shoulder and tilted his head up.

"Max?" Wyatt called quietly. I moved my head so I could get a glimpse under his ear. Weird, yes I know. But Noah had a scar there, and Wyatt.. didn't. I sighed, just realizing now hot his skin was.

"Hey- Do you have a fever or something?" I backed up , keeping my hands on his shoulders. His face was flushed a pink color again, this time, deeper and more noticeable. He pulled away from my hands, turning around.

"No- Can we head back to your house?" Wyatt said quickly and I nodded, holding back a laugh.


"Woah it's huge." Wyatt said, gawking at the size of my house. I smirked to myself. A dirty joke forming in my head.

"You know what else is huge?" I whisper into his ear, trying to keep a straight face. Wyatt avoided my eyes, his own growing wide.

"What?.." He let out quietly. I let out my laugh, noticing him grow confused. I brought my hand up and played with his curly, soft locks of hair.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I walked ahead of him, making my way towards my room. Don't know if I meant what I said, but whatever.
"Come here." I said, walking into my room. The grey walls were filled up by posters, medals, and much more. I think I had an obsession with filling up space. "Top or bottom bunk?" I turned around to Wyatt, pointing at the bunk bed. He took a second before responding.

"I'll take the top." He decided. I nodded, a few seconds of awkward silence passing. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"So.. Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked, grabbing the remote and taking a seat on the bottom bed. Wyatt copied my actions, plopping down next to me. I turned on the TV, going to Netflix. "Horror movie sound good?" I asked, glancing over at him.

"Yeah, sure." He nodded, and I picked out Scream 4.

"Have you seen this one?" I asked and he shook his head. "Good." I replied, crossing my legs in front of me. I took a peek over at Wyatt, seeing him bury almost his whole head into his knees. I grinned.


Thirty minutes into the movie and we've both already screamed our heads off, laughing every time afterwards. Wyatt seemed to be enjoying himself, and I was glad. I took a look over in his direction, his eyes moving across the screen. Oh how badly I wanted the freckled boy.

"Can I use the bathroom?" The male snapped me out of my daze. I watched his eyelashes flutter in my direction.

"Y-Yeah." I say, mentally scolding myself for stuttering. "Our the door and to the right, down the hall." I said, following his body with my eyes until he was out the door.

It was about 30 seconds before I heard a scream. Panic overtook my body and I was up on my feet in a heartbeat, dashing out the door. I pant, reaching the end of the hall and flipping the light switch on. I find Wyatt on the ground.

"You have.. a dog?!" He turned around, the small yorkie in his lap. I sighed, relieved. It was just the dog.

"Her name's Luna." I smile, sitting down beside him, resting my back on the wall. I watched Wyatt run his fingers through the dog's curly hair. They were similar in a way. Him and Luna. "Can I ask you something?" I question, Wyatt's eyes meeting my own.

"What is it?" He replied, scratching Luna's belly. I wasn't sure what I was gonna do. His looks alone put me in some sort of trance. I wonder if I made him feel the same? Probably not.

"Why'd you get kicked out? You don't have to tell me if you don't want." I asked, trying to figure out was going through his head. He looked taken aback by the question. Did I say something wrong?

"No- It's fine. I.. came out." His eyes averted away from mine, now staring down at Luna and petting her slowly. I frowned, relating very much to what the other had said.

"My parents did the same, that's why I live in my grandmas house." My eyes trailed over to him, his soft eyes had gone wide. I was confused.

"Y-You're gay?" He said, his voice cracking. Wasn't it obvious? I thought it was obvious. How did he not know this? I looked at him with  a "duh" expression.

"Uh. Yeah? I thought you knew." I chuckled, my thumbs fiddling in my lap. I wonder how he felt. About this, about me. My eyes followed Wyatt's face. He turned his head.

"Can I ask another question?"

I hummed in response.

"Why do you always stare at me?" It was my turn to turn away. I coughed, trying to think of a response. Awkward laughing, and smiling was all I could do, but Wyatt obviously wanted an answer. I could feel his stare.

"Ah- Ahaha.." I coughed again. "Your really pretty and uh.." I rambled on, my face burning up with each word I said.

"I- Uh.. see." Wyatt's voice was shaky. I glanced over at him for the first time in awhile, taking note of his rosy cheeks. My eyes widened, and I was suddenly happy. Not sure why. But I was.
"Should we continue watching the movie?" He changed the subject, getting up off the ground.

"Yeah." I smiled, following him back into the room, and turning the movie back on.

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