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I ended up calling him back. I told him that I didn't want to have sex though, but instead that I wanted to talk. I was gonna ask him what he would do if he was in my position. He was the closest person to me right now, even though I didn't know his name. I decided I would just try to be his friend, so I could have someone to talk to.

30 minutes after I called him, he arrived, the knock on the door echoing throughout the house. I hoisted myself up from the couch and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal the green-eyed male.

"Hey." I greeted him, hoping it wasn't a mistake bringing him here. He gave me an affable smile, the corners of his lips curving upwards.

"Hi." He returned, an anxious look making its way onto his face. I invited him in, moving away from the entrance to the door.

The male strolled into the house, gaping as he took note of his surroundings. "So.." He started, glancing over in my direction. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure how I would introduce the topic. If he'd even cared to listen to what I had to say. "Are you okay? You can talk to me." He implored, an alarmed look present on his face. In to which I replied,

"Ah, no- I mean yeah. I'm fine." A gloomy look is what I gave him, implying that I wasn't fine like I had stated I was. Anyone would be able to see right through my lies, just as if I were glass.

"No, you aren't. I told you before, it was obvious you'd been hurt before." The dirty-blonde male replied, his words filled with sorrow. He wasn't right. It had been more like I'd done the hurting. "And the fact that you'd call me, a random guy you met at a bar, whose name you don't even know, to your house, clearly shows how much damage this person has done to you. You don't even seem to care anymore, right?" This though, he was right about. I didn't care. I was just on the edge of surrendering in this I was battle I was fighting.

"You're right." I choked out through the lump in my throat. I trudged over to the couch, barely able to lift my feet off the ground. The smaller followed, plopping down next to me. My head tilted upwards, and I stared up at the ceiling. Blank and empty, like my heart at the moment.

"Do you wanna.." His hand snaked it's way onto my knee. "Talk about it?" He questioned, that same sorry filled expression on his face. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah." I whispered, a sigh escaping my lips.

And so I explained everything to him. From me and Noah, to the misunderstanding on that day Wyatt had left. By the end, I was bawling. The other's hand rubbing up and down my back, shushing me and telling me to calm down. How could I though? I'd never be content with what I had ever again. Cause the only thing that I wanted was Wyatt. But life's unfair. You don't always get the things you want.

< •-•-• >

a/n: i'm sorrry this is somewhat like a filler chapter. it's really bad:( i was in a bit of a writers block, but i swear next chapter will be way better.

shits about to go down so bE rEaDy!1!1

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