A no good, good bye

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Midoriya woke up with a heavy feeling weighing down his entire body. It felt like someone hit him in the head with a bat 20 times over.



His body shuddered as he was not aware of how cold it was. He opened his eyes only to be met with darkness. The lights must have been off. Midoriya was suddenly hit with the overwhelming smell of blood

A wave of sickness washed over him and it took everything in him not to puke. He wasn't in the dorms that's for sure. He was strapped onto a torture A heavy metal collar wrapped around his neck.

A quirk canceller.

Midoriya struggled against his bonds but to no avail. The thing around his neck must be working because no matter how hard he tries, one for all refused to work.

How did he get here again?

He had been walking back from the store, it was pretty late and he really wasn't support to be out there anyway. A hand pulled him into a nearby anyway and he was thrown onto the ground. Before he could get his bearings a cloth was shoved on his mouth and nose. The cloth smelled of chloroform.

Now he was here, strapped to a table in a dark room. Footsteps clicked in the distance. A door opened then closed. A girl with ash blond twin buns walked into his line of site. She gave him a toothy smile.

Himiko Toga

"Nice to see your finally awake izuku~kun" she sang in a sing-song voice. Midoriya stared wide-eyed at her. This couldn't be happening. He began to squirm on the table.

"Get away from me!" he shouted, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. He had to get out of this somehow.

Toga furrowed for second before smiling again. "But we're gonna have so much together" she whined.

Hitting one of the buttons on the wall above him, the table slowly raised until it was horizontal. "Don't tell me you wanna go back, do you?" she smiled again.

"Please, please just let me go" he whimpered. He lunged forwards, trying to break free.

Toga pouted and stomped her foot on the ground. "No! Izuku~kun is gonna stay with me forever and ever" she whined. "Your gonna be a villain, right? There's nothing left for you to be a hero anymore!"

Midoriya tore violently at the straps holding him down." No! I don't wanna be a villain! He cried.

"Well your gonna be a villain one way or another" toga walked over to what he could only assume was the middle of the room. With a click, the room was filled with light. Midoriya's eyes had been so used to the dark that the sudden brightness hurt. He squeezed his eyes shut.

After a minute he was able to open his eyes properly. He scanned the room quickly. The floor was covered in blood. Small drawer stuck out of the wall. He knew exactly what they were. Freezers used to store bodys and organs. He nearly puked. A table was next to him. Scalpels, bone cutters, needles, and many more horrible things.

Toga happily skipped over to the table and grabbed a scalpel. "First things first" she said walking over to stand in front of him. "You will Always be a villain" she hissed.

Midoriya let out a blood curdling scream as she began to cut letters into his bear chest.

V. i. l. l. a. l. n


Bakugou woke up in his bed with his boyfriend, Shouto Todoroki. Todoroki was sitting next to him, holding his head in his hands. "Shouto, what are you doing?" Bakugou asked groggy.

"It's izuku," Todoroki whispered still holding his head. "He's not here, I don't think he ever came back last night. I know I shouldn't worry about him but I just can't help it…."

Bakugou was awake now. Midoriya should have been home by now. He had left to get some food from the store at about 10pm last night. It was 9:30am the next morning. Almost a full 12 hours. "You know how he can get, he probably was be a hero again and got dragged to recovery girl by Aizawa." Bakugou deadpanned.

"I know that but.. what if he got hurt and couldn't get back? What if someone took him? I don't want him to get hurt. I just want to know he's safe." Todoroki was overwhelmed with these dark thoughts. Bakugou wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into his lap. Red eyes met multi-colored ones. Todoroki's eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. He had be crying. Bakugou squeezed him close.

"It's gonna be okay, he's gonna be okay" Bakugou says while rubbing circles in his back. Todoroki falls back asleep after a few minutes.

Three days. Three days, and Midoriya has yet to turn up. It was scary. Now it was Bakugou's turn to panic. Todoroki and him were in his room. Bakugou was clinging desperately on to Todoroki's chest, as if letting him go would make him disappear as well. Silent sobs racked through the blonds body.

"It's all my fault! If I had looked for him when he first left he would be safe. Now he's gone, he's gone!" He sobbed. Todoroki grabbed his face so that they were looking into each other's eyes.

"Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened. It's those villains fault, their fault. Not your! We have to be strong, for him!" Todoroki said desperately.

Bakugou looks down, hugging him again. "Your right. When I find out who did this I'm gonna blast them into the void.." he says in a horse voice

Todoroki chuckles "There's the Katsuki I know" he pets his hair.

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