oh no

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Todoroki scrolled aimlessly through his phone. It had become a habit. After what had happened after the first week of Midoriya's disappearance, he used his phone a lot more in hopes of getting more information about his loved one, whether it was through a text, a alert,anything. he held out that midoriya would reach out to them.

Around them the class was talking in low murmurs and packing up to head to the dorms, Kirishima had kept up the once a week movie nights to keep everybody hope alive but it was becoming harder and harder to hold out faith that things would get better.

Todoroki could see bakugou heading his way and it brought a smile to his face to see him arguing with mineta, it became routine for them to walk to the dorms together and pick one or the other room to sleep in. Bakugou admitted he slept better when they were together and that he wasn’t used to sleeping alone ever since they all got together. even if all three of them couldn’t sleep together because endeavor often forced him home for his “specialized training” he at least always had deku to lay with.

God just thinking of deku hurt, it’s been two months since he's been missing, and two weeks since that fateful day on the train.The only people who knew about the incident were All might and aizawa and that was only to make sure the incident didn’t get out to the media. Bakugou and todoroki had agreed to keep it under wraps from their classmates.

somethings were better left untold.

As he turned back to his seat a strange sense of deja vu passed over him because as he looked down he could see his screen turned black for a minute before a video popped up. He could see people gathering around him. Small groups formed around the class and he could already sense Bakugou behind him.

In the video Midoriya was sitting on a chair. Dressed in a suit with black gloves. He had a red tie tied perfectly around his neck .He glowered at the camera.

"Did ya miss me, U

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"Did ya miss me, U.A?" A mischievous look was on his handsome face, but not the playful one they were used too. "I've missed you! It's been so long since we've seen each other. I’ve seen some of you guys recently but that wasn't enough. " he curled his lip at the camera. "I can't wait to see you all again! To see your blood spill.. I'm coming for you, just you wait~"

The video ended but his phone did not return to the original screen. It instead showed a clock. Counting down from 1 hour. Todoroki began to shake he never saw the phone hit the ground, never registered bakugou cursing fate, the Gods, the heroes, hell even himself.

because what type of world was this if even good, honest people like midoriya wasn’t safe?

Todoroki wanted to laugh so this is what he meant when he said they would meet again on the battlefield.

“If I can’t get out of this, you both need to lean on each other”

Around them the class were in a uproar trying to figure out what the clock meant and what they should do.

Just then, Aizawa came in. "I'm gonna assume you all seen the video" he deadpanned "The schools on lockdown. We have pros all around the building, and i rather you all sit in the gym and let us handle it but” and he sighed before grumbling out “ but since I know you problem children I know you won’t just sit around and wait, so consider this a lesson on life or death. I need you all to gear up in case things go sideways, the people you are facing have no problem killing children or torturing them. I need you all to be on your guard and don’t go looking for a fight. But most importantly look out for each other, when you are on the field you must always look out for your partners that is the making of a true hero.” with that said Aizawa turned his back and walked away. He silently sent a prayer that they were doing the right thing and that he wasn’t sending anybody to their deaths.  

With those words hanging in the air Class 1-A took one last look around at who was standing next to them and prayed that they would still be there tomorrow. It was unnerving knowing you might not live to see the next day.. They were used to villains all the times, it wasn't anything new. But It was the fact that it was one of their own that they were going against, knowing what was gonna happen and having to lie in wait for the first strike, that was the part that sent chills down their back.

Sharing one last look they all nodded at each other and disbursed. They had a battle to equip for.

Bakugou and todoroki had slipped off to their rooms to grab their costumes and prepare, they helped each other with their gear, the silence only broken by the shuffling of feet and sound of zippers. Without one word said between them they set off to spend a few moments together, and felt that it was fitting that it be held in the last of the trio’s room: Deku’s dorm. nobody’s been in it since the day he went missing and neither boy had the heart to lie in there, they knew one waft of sheets that smelled like mint and cologne and they would fall apart.

For the first time in weeks, Todoroki allowed himself to be completely vulnerable and breakdown. He hugged Bakugou's torso. "No, no nonono" his voice came out strangled. Bakugou was also crying. "Those fuckers are gonna pay tonight" he said through clenched teeth.

Todoroki wanted to say so many things to bakugou, wanted to tell him how much he loved him, how him and izuku were the best things that ever happened to him and he wouldn’t be who he was without them.  But when he looked into red eyes the words wouldn’t come out, in his mind they sounded too much like goodbye. Instead he laid his forehead against katsuki’s and closed his eyes. After tonight everything would change.

Bakugou took a glance at the all might clock hanging above messy sheets, a stupid thing he ranted about to whoever would listen but secretly loved. he could almost hear deku’s voice now teasing him in that breathy tone he always adopted around his boys.

You’ve gotten soft kacchan, the old kacchan would have burned it down already if he hated it so much ....

30 minutes left.

“Promise me you won’t leave my side, I don’t give a flying fuck what happens out there, unless it’s to get our deku back I need you to stay where we can protect each other.. Got it?” Bakugou angled todoroki face towards him and made sure he seen how serious he was and, for todoroki eyes only, how terrified he was of the outcome.

Todoroki nodded before he leaned in and kissed katsuki for what felt like the last time. and slowly got up pulling bakugou up with him, with their fingers laced they headed for the door.

they never seen the clock tick down to 0.  

forgive me once this is all over, once I end this......

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