You left a nasty tast in my mouth

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A week. A goddamn week and Izuku Midoriya is still missing. The first few days were filled with hope that he'd turn up by himself, unharmed. But a week!? That was far to long for class 1-A to handle.

They had no idea where he could've gone or Who could've taken him. Worst of all, they had no leads. Zero.

The class room was fairly quiet, save for the small murmurs that went around the room. Todoroki sat in his set, aimlessly scrolling through the news fed. They had kept the news about Midoriya's disappearance away from the media, so there really wasn't anything about him there. Still, he always checked in case someone saw him.

As he was scrolling, the screen suddenly cut off. "Huh?" He stared at his phone in confusion for a minute before the screen lit up again. This time a video loaded. It seemed everyone else got the video because a gasped came from parts of the room.

The room in the video was dark and Todoroki through the phone wasn't even on. A small click sound could be heard, a small light illuminated the center. Sitting in a big comfy chair was none other than Izuku Midoriya.

Todoroki felt arms wrap around him as he whimpered.

Midoriya was shirtless. Carved into his milk white skin was the word 'Villain'. He had a black blazer on his shoulders and a tie around his neck. Black dress pants and gloves as well.

"Are you excited" a female voice asked from behind the camera

Midoriya smiled at the camera. Not the warm, sweet, smile they always saw. This was a smile filled with dread and evil. "Excited? Why, I've never been so happy in my life" he said cheerfully, like wasn't sitting there with the scars of torture spread across his body. "There is fun to be had, have I ever turned down a good time?"

The girl behind the camera giggled and jumped into view. Blond hair ties into twin buns, they knew exactly who she was. "Hurry up izuku I'm bored" she whined before running of screen

"So U.A, how have you been doing without me?" He asked, almost like he was starting a conversation. "Good? I'm sure" No, we're doing terrible, please, come back Todoroki thought.

"Did ya miss me?" He said, low and full of venam. "You must not have because you never can for me" he growled "That's fine, really it is. I've found my new family. They love me and I love them"

Those words felt like knives in his heart. Didn't he love them? He was their one and only and now he loves someone else!? It suddenly felt impossible to get air in his lungs fast enough

"I hope you find someone better, someone who will live to be the beat hero. Remember this, Villain deku will be the best. If not hero, villain us much better." A psychotic smile plastered onto his face. "Good night. Sleep tight. Keep one eye open, all right?"

The video abruptly ended. There was a moment of silence, but only for a moment. It started with uraraka, than tsu, before the blink of an eye, the room around with screams and sobs. Todoroki was held tightly by Bakugou. He was clawing violently at his chest, bruises were most definitely gonna show, but he could care less. Ugly sobs pulled from him. Uncontrollable chats fell from his lips. "No no no no no no, come back please don't go" he didn't have to look to know that Bakugou was holding back tears. His body was tince and his breathing was fast. Not as fast as Todoroki. He was hyperventilating, unable to bring air into his aching lungs. "Breath, Shouto breath" Bakugou whispered.

Todoroki looked at him with wide eyes. It was blurry due the the amount of tears he was crying. "Breath? I c-can't just calm down and -bre-th. Our-" Todoroki choked on tears unable to finish his sentence and he gripped at Bakugou's arms to ground himself. "I know. I know it hurts, it hurts me too, just please breath for me. I need you to breath." Bakugou said, voice wavering slightly. Todoroki nods as he claps into Bakugous arms.

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