Chapter 1

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Grif’s (P.O.V.)

 I was lounging on the couch in the base munching on some chips, looking between the movie I had playing and Simmons doing tune ups on his arm. Occasionally Simmons would ask me to hand something to him, which I would do after setting my bag of chips to the side and cleaning my fingers off on my t-shirt. “Grif quit doing that, I just did laundry this week and I don’t feel like spending four hours getting stains out of your already stained t-shirts.” Simmons whined making me roll my eyes as I took over doing his tune up, after seeing how many problems he was having doing it himself.

 “Simmons, you've bitched at me for that same reason for almost as long as we've known each other. When are you gonna give it up?” I asked tightening some of the screws in his shoulder joint. “When you start listening.” Simmons said in an annoyed manner that only made me roll my eyes again. I decided to drop the subject and replaced the plating that hid over all of the wires and screws, deeming his shoulder fixed for the time being. “You should really find some new screws for your shoulder, they keep coming loose. One day, one of them are gonna fall out in the middle of a fight.” I said it a board tone, but my worry was easily conveyed to him after all the time we've known one another.

 “I've been trying, but every time we get a shipment we either don't have any or Sarge and Wash have already taken them for themselves.” Simmons answered working his shoulder and testing it's range like usual. I hummed in a thoughtful way before rising to my feet and walking towards the hallway. “Where are you going?” Simmons questioned turning towards me in confusion. “I'll be right back, I need another soda.” I said as an excuse, walking passed the kitchen and towards the blue side of the base. Once there I found their lounge area and saw Carolina and Wash loading some ammo into their guns. “Hey Washington.” I spoke up seeing both of the Freelancers look up at me, Wash giving me a confused look. “Yes Grif, what is it?” He asked cocking his head to the side in a curious manner, knowing I didn't come to the blue side of base often.

 “Do you have any of the screws from our last shipment?” I asked gaining confused looks from both of the Freelancers. “Umm yes, what do you need them for.” Wash asked in a suspicious manner. “I was helping tune up Simmons’ arm and the screws in his shoulder keep coming loose after every fight. I keep telling him to get new ones but either you or Sarge keep taking the ones we get in the drop offs.” I explained seeing realization flash in Wash’s eyes. “Oh god, sorry. Give me just a minute and I'll get them for you.” Wash said putting down his gun and rushing past me to go grab them. “I didn't know you knew mechanics.” Carolina said with a raised eyebrow. “I don't really, I just know Simmons’ arm after helping him so many times. I do most of the stuff on his shoulder now seeing as he can't reach it that well.” I said with a shrug, looking to my side as I heard Wash rushing back.

 “Here they are, Grif.” Wash said handing the box of screws to me. “Thanks, Man. See you guys later.” I said waving lazily to them, as I made my way back to the red side of base and grabbed a soda from the kitchen before going back to our lounge room. There sat Simmons looking at something on his tablet with a concentrated expression. “Yo, I'm back.” I said making him turn towards me with a confused look. “What took you so long, it doesn't take that long to get something to drink.” He said looking down at my hands to see both my soda and the box of screws. “You-you got the…” He trailed off with a awed expression that made me look to the side in embarrassment of my good deed.

 “Yeah I did, now shut up and let me see your shoulder.” I said making Simmons snapback into action with a light blush and turn so that I could get to his shoulder. I took off the plating once more and grabbed the screwdriver I used before to unscrew the old ones one at a time, before replacing it with a new one and moving on to the next on to be replaced. “Thanks, Man. I appreciate this.” Simmons said making me roll my eyes as I feel heat rise to my cheeks. “W-whatever, dude. Don't mention it. Seriously don't, I don't want to be thought of as less lazy than I act.” I said hearing Simmons snort in amusement. “Don't worry, I won't… but whoever gave you those screws might.” Simmons said with a smirk.

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