Chapter 3

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Grif’s (P.O.V.)

 “You won't get away with any of this, Simmons knows me too well. He'll immediately know I'm missing and exactly how I was taken. Trust me you're fucking up your life big time, dude.” I said from my spot tied to a chair as I saw the figure walk back and forth across the room. “Oh I intend for him to, but how about we send him and your friends a little present, huh? Let them SEE how you're doing.” The man said gesturing to the small red light across the room, which finally began focusing enough for me to see that a camera was set up in front of me and had been recording. I looked back and forth between the camera and the shadowed man, my face straight, hardly hiding my fear. “Do your worst, you bastard.” I spit in a daring way, hearing him laugh at my resilience. “Oh, I intend to.” He said coming closer to me with a sickening smirk, that hid a need for revenge.

 Simmons’ (P.O.V.)

 After around a half hour I had calmed down and left Donut’s arms and Sarge’s presents to go to mine and Grif’s shared room. I sat on the Hawaiians bed with my legs close to my chest, looking around his side of the room in a thoughtful way. I looked at all of the wrappers on the floor along with all of his dirty discarded t-shirts. ‘I swear, that guy never cleans up after himself. Too damn lazy, stupid fatass.’ I chuckled to myself at my thought and rubbed my arms as a cold chill ran through my body. I always seemed to get cold easily, aside from when we were in Blood Gulch, it was always too hot there. I got up slightly to pull his unmade bed sheets around my shoulders and laid my chin on top of my knees.

 ‘Damn, this is not going to be easy. What do I even do from here? Why would someone kidnap Grif of all people?’ I question myself in confusion, looking over to Grif's closet to see it half open. There sat his orange armor, crumpled on the floor, above it was a few hangers that were either not being used or held hoodies he didn't wear often. Although, one hoodie caught my eye.


 I sat on my bunk quietly as Grif wrapped my flesh hand in bandages, my body feeling numb to everything aside from the warmth around my hand. Grif’s hands wrapping the gause caused my hazy eyes to slightly focus through the tears that continued to flow despite my silence. “Jesus, dude, you're shaking like a leaf.” The dark haired man said with a shake of his head, shrugging off a faded orange hoodie that had a pink Plumeria flower over the heart, with cursive writing underneath it spelling out ‘Honolulu’. He turned it around and tossed it over my shoulders, the length of the hoodie ending up laying just above my hip bones and the sleeves coming to rest a bit short of my wrists. However, the size of the garment hid my skinny frame with how baggy it was, the warmth from its previous wearer soaking into my bones.

 “There, now you won't die from hypothermia or some shit.” Grif said with a chuckle that made my look at him in confusion. This man had just been tossed off a cliff and he was still able to laugh and shrug everything off like it was all fine. I looked down slightly and smiled warmly and brought the hoodie closer to my frame, hearing Grif chuckle at my childish display. “Just remember to give it back once your warmed up.” The honey eyed man said before walking away with a half assed wave in my direction.

                  ~~flashback end~~

 I stood up and walked over to the Hawaiians closet, pulling the familiar orange hoodie off of its hanger before pulling it on over my thin maroon sweater. I zipped the orange garment up halfway and tossed the hood over my head, before I stuffed my hands into the pockets. I smiled as I felt along the seams on the inside of the pockets, remembering Grif’s laugh at how childish I looked. My body stiffened when I felt something in the right pocket. I wrapped my fingers around the object and pulled it out only to find it was a folded up piece of paper. I slowly opened it to find it was a picture of Grif and I a little before the Temple. Grif’s arm was across my shoulders, pulling me close to him with a giant grin on his face.

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