Chapter 6

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Simmons' (P.O.V.)

I woke up again around 8, realizing I wasn't going to get any more rest. I lifted myself off Grif's bed and decided to say to hell with changing, I could just changed after a shower tonight. I pulled the hood of the hoodie up over my tangle mess of red curls and zipped it up to the seam line of the top of the pockets. I stuffed my hands into the pockets and made my way into the reds kitchen. No one was there yet, which I found odd seeing as Sarge is usually up around the same time as me. I shrugged it off, deciding to just get some cereal and head into the lounge room. Once I was seated with a bowl of raisin bran I pulled up an episode of Battlestar Galactica that Grif and I had watched a few days ago. About halfway through the episode, my bowl already empty and sitting on the coffee table, I heard the base's doors open followed by the loud voices of Doc, Kai, Tucker, and Wash.

"Dude, it was sick you and Big bro should have seen it." Kai exclaimed gaining a laugh from Doc but it was easily heard that Wash and Tucker had paused at the mention of Grif. "Where is my bro anyways, usually him and the nerd are waiting outside for me to get back." Kai questioning again making me cringe. I could hear whispering, before a gasp of confusion and shock left one of the two who had just gotten back. "Your kidding right... this is just a bad joke, right?" Kai said in a barely heard shocked tone. I couldn't stand hearing her voice waver wave like it was, quickly I stood, shoving my hands in the hoodies pockets off reflex at this point, and made my way into the main room. "No, you have to be joking, big bro wouldn't just let someone take him." Kai argued in slight anger. "Tucker, Wash are Doc and Kai ba-..." I trailed off in my fake form of a question to make my presence known, seeing Kai quickly turn around to face me.

Her eyes widened when she saw me, looking me up and down, obviously having not seen me look this disheveled. "Nerd... Simmons... tell me their lying, tell me Dex is here." She pleaded with her bright blue eyes, looking distraught. I opened my mouth shakily to say something, but quickly bit my bottom lip and looked at the ground. "No..." She whispered shakily, releasing a disbelieving choked whine or sob. I looked up slightly to see her looking at the ground with her hands over her mouth to keep from making too much noise. I walked closer to her, seeing her look at me in a pleading manner. I could feel tears surface in my own eyes, one falling making Kai's eyes grow a bit wider. I took my hands out of the hoodie pockets and opened them a bit, in a silent gesture for her to come over to me. Quickly, she walked over and tossed her arms around my neck, hugging me close to her and sobbing into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and closed my eyes as I laid my chin on the top of her head, rubbing her back slightly.

"I just got him back." She sobbed making me cringe at just how much I related to her words. "I know... we- we'll get him back.... Even if I die trying... I won't stop until the people who took him are either dead or locked up and we have him back again... I promise Kai." I said with a small shaky voice, feeling her nod her head against me. I looked up to see Doc and the others had left us alone, seeing them retreating from the far door towards the blue side of base. "How long has he... been gone?" Kai asked pulling away to look up at me. "About a day and a half now. I woke up and he wasn't there, which wasn't abnormal. I got ready and when I went looking for him like usual... I couldn't find him. Turns out one of the enemies me and him had left over a pit of lava, had survived and kidnapped him when he was making a midnight snake." I said making Kai snort and roll her eyes, though her expression didn't change.

"He just had to choose that night to get one, didn't he." She said in a disbelieving and annoyed manner that made me huff in amusement. "I was able to come to a good understand of how it went down, then I found a news article that said two of our enemies were out. One having not been captured and had freed the other. Their the ones who took him, we got sent a message late last night showing both of them along with... a short moment of Grif and his kidnapper well... talking.... Both literally and with a knife." I said seeing her cringe at my meaning. "I'm sorry Kai, this is my fault. If I had just watched him or made sure that one guy had either died or gotten put in prison.... He wouldn't be gone. They both know I'm close to Grif, they were probably targeting him.... It's fine if you blame me, I should have known better." I said regretfully, looking to the side away from her.

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