Chapter 2

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Simmons’ (P.O.V.)

 I yawned and stretched as I began to wake from last night's sleep. I blinked my eyes open tiredly and lifted myself up to look around the room seeing Grif wasn't in his bed. However, that wasn't the weirdest thing to have happened so I rose from my bed and got dressed into a different set of clothes, before heading out to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I made my way through my usual routine before going off to look for Grif. I looked in the kitchen to find Sarge drinking his morning coffee, along with Donut humming and slightly dancing as he made his breakfast. “Hey, have either of you seen Grif today?” I asked getting a hum of denile from Sarge and shake of the head from Donut. I hummed and looked to the ground in confusion for a moment before heading over to the blues side of the base.

 There I saw Carolina sitting in a chair at their table, sipping on a cup of coffee while Caboose stood behind her and braided her hair. On the other side of the room stood Wash making his coffee (which was probably not his first cup) and Tucker beside him making breakfast for the whole team. “Hey, I hate to interrupt your morning, but have any of you guys seen Grif today?” I asked seeing them turn towards me in a questioning way. “No, I haven't seen him.” Tucker said getting hums of agreement from the others. I sighed and looked to the ground again deciding to look around at some of his hiding spots. First the storage closet that held the food rations, secondly the warthog parked under a giant tree, then the top of the base and all around it. I began to get worried and decided to start calling his name, looking everywhere I could. Halfway through me search I began to hyperventilate in panic, ‘Where could he have gone?’ I thought.

 I made my way back to the base in a panic and began opening all doors and checking every place I had ever seen him or heard his voice. “Grif! Come on, this isn't funny anymore?!” I shouted through the base in a worried voice. I rushed back to the main room that was a median between the two sides of the base, everyone standing there and chatting looking a bit worried, having heard my panicked voice across or around the base. “Have any of you seen him?” I questioned them in worry. All of them shook their heads looking a bit panicked. “Goddammit, Where could he be?” I asked aloud in confusion trying to get a grip on my breathing to try and think things through. “Okay, maybe I can retrace his steps. He sometimes gets up in the middle of the night for a snack, did either of you see anything left out in the kitchen this morning?” I asked looking at my two remaining team members. Sarge shook his head and I looked to see Donut had a panicked look on his face.

 “There was a half made peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the counter.” He said in a fearfully voice. I stared at him in shock and looked to the ground. “No… Grif wouldn't do that. Sure he leaves stuff out, but he doesn't waist food, he wouldn't just half make something.” I whispered into the silence of the room. I turned around and walked towards the red team kitchen the sound of everyone's footsteps behind me. I looked around the kitchen for a moment before turning to Donut. “Do you remember where everything was?” I asked seeing Donut nod and walk over to the corner on the counter closest to the fridge. “The peanut butter was open but that side was already done and then the jelly was closed but only half of the bread was covered…” He said, gesturing to where and how everything had been. I glanced down with one hand on my chin while my other hand supported my elbow.

 “What about the knife he was using?” I asked seeing the pink soldiers eyes widen. “I didn't see one.” He said hesitantly. I nodded and walked over to the sink to find nothing, I walked back over to the corner and looked around on the floor. There I found some drips of jelly and a shine from under the table nearby. I leaned down and picked up a butter knife that was still covered in jelly and traces of peanut butter. I froze for a moment turning my head back and forth between the counter and the knife, beginning to hyperventilate again. “Simmons calm down, talk to us, what's going on?” Wash asked walking closer to me. I breathed in shakily and turned to them.

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