Chapter 4

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Simmons’ (P.O.V.)

 I woke up with the world being slightly blurred, I blinked my eyes a bit to get my robotic eye to focus. I found myself on Grif’s bed, curled deeply into his covers and hoodie. I reached into the pocket of the hoodie and retrieved the picture I had found earlier. I smiled at Grif’s face, running my fingers down the picture over his cheeks. I shook my head, placing the photo on the bed as I sat up. I looked around finding that it was around 11 o’clock at night. I sighed, deciding to change into something a bit more comfortable than the pants and sweater I was wearing. I stood and moved over to my side of our room, looking through my clothes I quickly chose a pair of sweatpants and slowly took out a faded orange t-shirt. I started at it longingly, memories from Blood Gulch slowly fading into my mind.


 “Hey, Simmons?” a voice questioned from the bed across the room. “Yeah, Grif?” I asked not stopping as I continued to fold clothes from just doing laundry. “Can you toss me a new shirt? I've been wearing this one for a while.” The Hawaiian grumbled, tugging at the middle of his shirt with a slightly annoyed expression. “I wonder why? Probably because you constantly eat and get crumbs and stains all over your other shirts, leaving you with almost none once laundry day comes around.” I replied with a snort. “Don’t be a smartass.” Grif said with an audible eye roll. I smirked as I rummaging through the clothing basket to find one of the orange shirts I haven't folded. “Is this one okay?” I asked holding one up behind me.

 “Nah, that thing is super old. Probably should be tossed, unless you want it.” Grif said making me pause in my search for a new shirt for him. I turned placing my empty hand on my hip while still holding the faded shirt out with a questioning look. “Why would I want it? It's like twice my size.” I said in confusion, gaining a short of amusement from the honey eyed man. “Because, dude, we’re stationed in the middle of fucking nowhere. It's constantly hot as balls, and all you sleep in is sweatpants and sweaters. How are you not already dying of heat stroke?” Grif asked with a raised eyebrow. I opened my mouth to defend myself but paused, seeing he was correct. “Exactly, just keep it nerd. Not like me or anyone else will get any use from it like you will.” The brown haired man said with a shrug, crossing his arms behind his back and closing his eyes as he lounged back on his bed.

 I blushed lightly, seeing he had seen through me and looked at the shirt with a thoughtful look. I smiled slightly, bringing the shirt to my chest, looking back to Grif to see him looking at me through one cracked eye which he quickly shut. I snorted at his behavior, seeing a light blush crawl onto his cheeks at being caught. I shook my head at him before turning around and folding the shirt, placing it in my shirt pile instead of his. “Thanks, Fatass.” I mumbled gaining a snort from the man behind me. “Whatever, Kissass.” He replied, the conversation dropping off once I tossed a different shirt to him.

 ~~Flashback end~~

 I smiled and quickly shrugged off Grif’s hoodie along with my pants and sweater, before quickly pulling on the clothes I had chosen. I turned and placed the picture into my pocket, before I tossed my clothes into the hamper in the corner next to the door. I slid Grif’s hoodie back on and made my way into the main room with the hood up, but decided against zipping it up. When I walked in Wash, Carolina, Tucker and Sarge were all still there looking through whatever things they could. Tucker looked up and saw me, giving me a small smile which I returned with my own and a small wave. “Hey, Dude.” The dark skinned man said nodding his head in a manner to come farther inside.

 “Hey, umm… find anything yet?” I asked walking over to the seat I front of Tucker, beside Sarge. “Not really, just that Hargrove is missing. And of course that Gene helped him escape for some reason, though we’re not sure why.” Wash said only glancing up as me as I took a seat. I nodded my head with a hum, picking up my tablet which was in the place I had left it earlier. I typed in the password and looked through the article that was still up a bit closer, before exiting out and finding that I had gotten a message. I clocked my head to the side curiously, taping to look at it and freezing when I found who it was from. [Message from Chairman Hargrove]. I shook slightly taping to open it, seeing a video attached along with a small message. [Are you missing something?].

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