chapter 5

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A....are those skeletons?"

Miguel froze ,with wide eyes he snapped his head towards the direction Hiro was looking at.

Sure enough ,there were skeletons everywhere! Some were visiting their graves and others were on their way to their families.

It was at that moment that he noticed that both of them were glowing as well.

"Oh no...." miguel muttered,slightly panicking.He was so confused,neither one of them stole anything so how were they here!?

"Miguel,are those costumes?because i gotta say man ,that's impressive" Hiro said smiling as he gestured towards the many skeletons scattered around the graveyard.

Miguel bit his lip looking to rhe side with his hand nervously scratching at the back of his neck.

"Umm...not exactly....Hiro those are real" Miguel explained watching Hiro's face shift from confused, to understanding and finally to freaking out

He stopped Hiro from saying anything by slapping a hand over the ravenhead's mouth.

"Don't freak out Hiro i'll explain everything to you soon enough but first we need to figure out why we are here" Miguel said looking into Hiro's doe eyes with his own chocolate ones.

Hiro's eyes softened a bit ,showing that he was calming down .It made Miguel sigh in relief,the last thing he needed was his friend panicking.

"Okey ,i'm gonna let go of your mouth now Hiro,Remember ...stay calm" Miguel said softly

Hiro nodded his head,showing that he understood.

With that Miguel lifted his hand and the Ravenhead took a deep calming breath.

"Okey now follow me,i know a place where we can find out what's going on" Miguel grabbed Hiro's hand and dashed through the crowd of skeletons ignoring the shocked gasps they made apon seeing the two living boys.

Miguel finally spotted the bridge and pulled the ravenhead over with him.

"Miguel slow down you're going to fast! And how the heck is this bridge even holding!?" Miguel laughed at that and skidded to a hault so that Hiro could rest.

They were currently in the middel of the bridge ,Hiro panted and looked at the bridge in awe.

He lifted a few petals in his hands watching as they glowed.

"this is" Hiro said breathlesly making Miguel smile.

"That's nothing" Miguel said with a bright smile, Hiro looked up at Miguel confused only for the tanned boy to grab his chin gentely, he turned Hiro's head towards the direction they were going.

Hiro's eyes widened and he dropped the petals standing up.

Before him was the land of the dead and it was stunning,by the looks of it Hiro thought so too.

Miguel smiled grabbing Hiro's hand again .

"Pull on your hood" miguel whispered pulling on his own ,Hiro looked at him questioningly but obeyed.

Miguel smiled and pulled him along towards the security checkpoints,the guard took one look at them and shook his head muttering "ay ,not again!"

He let them through,miguel chuckeled nervously as Hiro gave him a pointed look mouthing 'again?'

They were led to the station and taken directly to the head clerk.

"We meet again i see" the clerk said not even looking at the two boys,instead he had his eyes on some papers he was scanning through.

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