chapter 12(p2)

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Both boys panted as they ran across the bridge,the petals were rapidly lessening as they rised into the air and disappeared.

They heard a frusterated growl and looked back to see Ernesto chasing them,he looked absolutely LIVID.

"Shit!" Hiro cried out grabbing ahold of Miguel's hand,picking up the pace.

They could see the other side! They were almost there!


They skidded to a halt, an entire chunk of the bridge had disappeared leaving a huge gaping hole with no way to get across.

"There's nowhere to run!" Ernesto growled out as he inched closer,both boys backed up but stopped in their tracks as their feet hit the edge.

"It's the end of the line!"Ernesto smirked  in victory as he inched closer.

Hiro looked back and got a determined look , he turned towards Miguel.

"Do you trust me?"

"What? This is no time to be quoting Alladin Hiro!"

"Miguel!" He grabbed his shoulders.

"Do you trust me!?"

They stared at each other, Miguel's eyes scanned over Hiro's features and he knew without a doupt..


"Then jump!" They both turned and leapt over the edge ,Miguel felt relief as he hit the ground,they were back!

Both boys turned looking as Ernesto tried to go after them but just as he was about to jump the bridge disappeared from under his feet...and he fell he ok?"

"Probably not"

"Good" Miguel said with a satisfied nod and grabbed ahold of Hiro helping him up.

"We did it we're ba.." he stopped talking when the raven haired boy hugged him,a small blush rised to his face and he smiled hugging back.

"THERE YOU GUYS ARE!"  Honey's loud voice interupted them,they pulled apart looking at the gang that were rapodly approaching them

"Where were you? We've been searching for you two dorks all day" Gogo said looking annoyed but slightly relieved.

"And what's with the face paint?" Wasabi asked.

The two looked at each other and smiled "you wouldn't believe us if we told you"

"...well since aunt Cass isn't here to say're grounded!"


The next day Hiro was waiting outside of the Rivera household his friends were getting the car. They had to leave early due to the crime that has been happening, he guessed Baymax's calculations were off...they needed to fix that.

"Hey" Hiro smiled and turned looking at a smiling Miguel.


" are going to visit us on holidays right?" Miguel asked sounding hopeful.

"I'll see if I can ,no promises though" they both chuckled slightly and met eyes once again,just the two of them,alone under the moonlight...

Neither of them seemed to notice that they were slowly leaning in towards each other,merely inches apart....

A bright light enveloped them both making them pull away and squint to see past it , they could see fred's sillouette hanging halfway out of the car.

"Hiro!you coming man!?"

They both chuckled and Hiro got in,putting baymax's carrycase on his lap.

They pulled out of the driveway and shouted goodbyes to Miguel before driving off.

Miguel smiled softly as he watched them drive away.

He felt a nudge against his leg and looked down seeing Danté giving him a judgemental look.

"What? He's cute."


(MEAHAHAHA!YA'LL THOUGHT THEY WERE  GONNA KISS HUH!?I'm the one who left multiple cliffhangers at the worst time did ya'll expect more from me? Lol. )

How will they reunite?

Will they ever kiss?

Will Miguel ever meet Baymax?

Will my writing and spelling get better?

Find out soon! In the sequel!

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