chapter 12 (p1)

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(Yo it's valentines day and i'm lonely as all fuck so have this chapter while i cry in the corner😎😭happy valentines day guys.)

The bus skidded to a sreeching halt making everyone within tumble with echoing grunts .

"Shifu,we really need to get you some driving lessons buddy." Tadashi groaned. Looking out the window .He saw that the streets were filled with skeletons,each and everyone of them focusing on the hourglasses littered across the land of the dead.

"We can't drive from here we need to run on foot" Tadashi said determined and jumped out,the two teens following his lead.Hiro grabbed ahold of Miguel's hand to avoid losing him in the crowd.

The bruenette in question could feel his cheeks heating up and smiled softly.

The bridge came into view and the trio smiled widely.

"We're almost there!" Hiro called out and let go of Miguel's hand, picking up the pace.

They were so close,so close! But then....

Hiro yelped as he felt the hood of his hoodie get snatched,he gasped as he was yanked back and two bony arms held him in place. He turned around to see that it was Ernesto,almost immidietly he started to struggle.

Miguel and Tadashi stopped running when they heard Hiro's sounds of distress. They turned and their eyes widened.

"Ernesto" Miguel spat venomously as he glared. Both Hiro and Tadashi's eyes widened at the fact that Miguel knew Ernesto but they said nothing.

"Olá Miguel it's been a long time."

"I wish it was longer"  Miguel spat venoumesly

"I don't know who the heck you are but I demand you let go of my brother" Tadashi growled protectively.

"You are in no position to make demands boy !" Ernesto turned his attention towards Miguel.

" i want to make a deal of sorts"

"What's the deal?" Miguel's eyes jumped between Ernesto to Hiro and then back again.

"I want revenge for what you and your family have done to me all those years ago so...I will let your friend leave IF you stay here in the land of the dead. forever."

"WHAT!?"  The three called out in usion all three of them sporting shocked looks .

"It's either that or your friend takes your place" Ernesto sported a smirk.

"Either way, I win"

Tadashi and Miguel glared but before either of them could say anything a loud bark was heard.

Next thing they knew a figure tackled Ernesto to the ground making him let go of Hiro in the process .

"Danté!" Miguel called out with a huge grin on his face as Hiro ran to his side and looked at the struggling mess that was Danté and Ernesto with a smile of his own.

"I love that dog" Hiro exclaimed as Tadashi ran forward.

"Go! We'll hold him back!" Miguel didn't need to be told twice as he grabbed Hiro's hand and darted towards the bridge.

Just as their feet stepped onto the bridge a hundred chimes could be heard all through out the land of the dead. The last pettle had fallen...

Both got panicked looks and started sprinting taking note of the petals that were rising up and disappearing . The bridge itself was disappearing!

The heard a loud grunt and looked back to see Ernesto push both Danté and Tadashi off sprinting after them,Tadashi tried to stop him but two of the security guards grabbed him .

"No, don't ! If you're on the bridge when it disappears you go with it!" One warned.

Part 2 coming later today after school comes out and i'm done brooding over what a single loser I am :')

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