chapter 7

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Hiro tried his best to keep up with Miguel,he really did. But the crowds were getting bigger ,the next thing the ravenhead knew his hand slipped out of Miguel's grasp.

He looked around frantically trying to find the tanned boy but to no avail,the crowd carried him off into a different direction.

Hiro pushed passed them all untill he reached a clear sidewalk,the ravenhead took deep breaths scanning the crowd,he had no idea where he was ,nor the wherabouts of his friend.

"Shit..." he mumbled.

Hiro kept walking looking for the tanned boy as his anxiety spiked.

"Miguel!? Dante!?" The boy called cupping his hands into a makeshift microphone.

Everytime he asked a skeleton if they had seen his friend theyd either ignore him or shake their head no.

He gave up and sighed looking for a place to rest ,he spotted an old abandoned bell tower and sighed climbing to the top.

Hiro stepped around the bell that had mysteriously fallen,Hiro blamed it on old age and by  looking at all the dust gathering on it, he'd say it's been like that for atleast a few years.

The ravenhead sat on the edge of the tower with his legs dangling over the side,doe eyes scanned the beautiful city filled with color and culture.

He smiled but it soon turned to a frown ,he pulled out his phone from his pocket turning it on.

He tried to call the gang but there was no signal , they had 9 hours left  before the sun would rise, that wasn't enough time to find his family it was better to just go over the bridge before sunrise.

But he couldn't do that, Miguel was still here.The tanned boy was most likely looking for him, Hiro couldn't leave him.

Hiro sighed looking at his hands that were slowly starting to look like a skeleton's hand.

"....what am i gonna do.." the boy mumbled as a gentle breeze passed over him.

"Clang!" Hiro jumped at the sudden sound,he looked behind him towards the bell as silence passed over him.

He was about to shrug it off untill it happened again , clang after clang sounded after each other as if someone was trying to get out.

"Hello?...." Hiro asked unsure if he was actually hearing this.

The clanging stopped and silence followed.

"......hello?" A voice came from the bell.

Hiro's eyes widened and he jumped up ,running towards the bell.

"Hello?are you okey!?" Hiro  asked loudly so that the person could hear him.

"Yes, I am please get me out " Hiro nodded even though the stranger couldn't see and scanned his seroundings for something to use.

There was nothing he could use, his head snapped up when he heard a screech.

In the air not to far away was an alibrije, it looked alot like a tiger/lion.

Hiro whisteled loudly to get it's attention.

The alibrije came flying towards him in a fast speed but Hiro ducked just in time, instead the alibrije hit the bell making it fall off of the building.

"Sorry!" Hiro called down to the alibrije as it growled at him and flew away.

Hiro screamed when a bony hand was placed on his shoulder,he whirled around to face the person.

"Calm down, calm down i mean you no harm" the skeleton said.

"Oh sorry i was just..suprised...howd you get stuck under the bell?"

"It's...a long story, thank you for helping me..." the skeleton stopped silently asking for his name.

"Hiro,Hiro Hamada" he held out his hand which the skeleton took.

He got a suprised look when his hand touched Hiro's skin, but it was gone in a second as he smiled .

"Ernesto, Ernesto del la cruz

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(Sorry for the late chapter guys i tried posting it earlier but my phone glitched and i lost the chapter, i'm sorry for spelling errors as well....the next chapter will be longer i swear)

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