chapter 8:

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Miguel looked around frantically for any sign of the ravenhead,this was bad! How could he lose Hiro!? Especially when they only have a few hours before the sunrise! This was his worst idea yet.

"Hiro! " the boy called pushing through the crowds of skeletons but he failed to spot the ravenhead.

"Miguel!" He heard his name being called ,his head snapped to the direction the voice was coming from,spotting the hood of a navy hoody with tufs of inky black hair sticking out.

"Hiro!" Miguel called out pushing through the skeletons to get to the other boy, Hiro didn't seem to hear him and kept going one direction.

Miguel managed to break through the crowd and looked around frantically , Hiro was gone!

He walked through the streets looking around frantically,taking lots of turns untill he was entirely lost...well he's been  lost since they first arrived in the land of the dead but atleast he was lost with someone!

The bruenette sighed sitting on a nearby bench trying to decide what to do, he could stay here and hope Hiro finds him ,though the odds of that would be slim....he could always try to find his family and ask for their no ,they were visiting the living part of his family ,besides they'd kill him for being back here AND getting his new friend roped into this mess.

His best option was to keep looking for Hiro so that's just what he did,with a sigh the teen stood up and walked forward looking around once again.

He walked for atleast ten minutes stepping into a road , he barely had time to prosess the sound of an engine,his head snapped up to see a bus hurdeling towards him at a fast speed.

The bruenette let out a terrified screech, screwing his eyes shut and holding his arms out trying to shield himself, he awaited the pain that was to come............but it never did.

He opened his eyes to see the bus had stopped infront of him,only inches away from hitting him,the bruenette's shocked face turned into a glare as he looked up at the window ,he couldn't see anything because of the headlights shining a bright light in his eyes.

He heard the doors of the bus swish open as the driver spoke .

"Woah,you okey kid?"  The bruenette let out a huff

"No i'm not!" Miguel huffed out storming towards the doors of the bus to face the driver .

"Are you crazy man!? you almost hit me with your bu...what the???"

Miguel expected a skeleton to be in the driving seat but instead he was met with a red panda ...well it was an alibrije  but still.

The Alibrije made a chittering noise saying something to Miguel but he couldn't understand it,a skeleton came into view standing at the door looking at the bruenette sheepishly.

"Hey, i'm really sorry about  that! Shifu has a habit of being mischivious he took over the wheel before i could stop him,are you alright? We didn't hit you did we?" The skeleton asked him seeming concerned.

Okey first of all ...he named his Alibrije after a character from kung fu panda,what a dork...second of all he looked to be in his twenties which was a bit young to be dead (though he has seen alot of dead children..) and finally the guy didn't seem to be from a spanish decent ,it wasn't just apearance that gave it away it was his accent as well.

It was mostly American but it had a hint of another language in it.

" ,no i'm fine thanks" he said not sure what to say ,the skeleton let out a relieved sigh.

"Good,how can i make it up to you? I can drop you off somewhere?" Miguel was about to decline but thought it through.

If he could get him to drive him through the land of the dead he'll have a better chance of spotting his friend.

"Umm yeah could take me on a tour around the land of the dead" the skeleton's eyes widened.

"No no no anything but that please"

"Your bus says tour bus soooo..."

"Kid please i hate this job enough"

Miguel crossed his arms looking at him stubbornly making the skeleton sigh.

"Fiiiiiine" he groaned out making Miguel smile as he hopped onto the bus taking a seat in the front row.

"Lets go...Shifu drive...and don't do anything illegal this time" he scolded the Allibrije.

With that the bus started moving

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(Yay another chapter up! Thank you guys for being patient with me! There are probably alot of spelling mistakes but that's because my beta reader is really busy i hope you all enjoyed i'll update as soon as i can)

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