chapter 11

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"Falling for me already Hamada?" Hiro could practically hear the smirk in Miguel's voice and could not keep down his own grin as he turned and hugged the brunette tightly.

"Miguel ! Thank god!" He exclaimed with a breathless laugh.

"Language" a voice scolded . Hiro's eyes widened,he knew that voice..."

He looked up and met eyes with his brother, skeleton or not he still managed to recognise him almost instantly .He pulled away from Miguel in shock as he stared at the skeleton before him.

Before Tadashi could even open his mouth Hiro was Hugging him so tightly that it was a surprise that none of his bones cracked.

"I...I thought i'd never see you again" he said voice cracking,he was on the verge of crying and that thought alone made Miguel's heart lurch painfully.

Tadashi wrapped his arms around his brother .

"Hey now,It's okey i'm here now." He said gently with a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad..........cause now I get to do this" Hiro said then pulled away all of the sudden , hitting Tadashi various times.


"Ah, ow!" Tadashi laughed as he healfheartedly tried to block Hiro's hits.

"You got stronger little brother,good for you!"

"Don't change the subject Tadashi! I am scolding you,fear me!"

" how can i fear you ? You're the size of a gremlin compared to me!"

"Say goodbye to your kneecaps!"

Miguel watched from the side with a fond smile as the siblings continued their playfull banter.

Tadashi glanced up and his expression changed to shocked with slight fear flashing across  his features. He grabbed Hiro's shoulders all of the sudden, his face twisting into a more serious expression.

"Hiro you need to leave" he said urgently. Both Hiro and Miguel's faces twisted into confusion.

"Wh...what? But I just found yo...." Hiro stuttered but was cut off by Tadashi looking at him almost pleadingly.

"This is serious Hiro" he pointed upwards towards the direction he looked earlier revealing what had made him so frantic.

It was an hour glas filled with merigold petals, the people had started putting them up all around the land of the dead to keep better track of  the sunrise.Right now it was almost empty.

"Hiro,you both need to leave now! As soon as that last petal falls the bridge disappears!" Both Miguel and Hiro's eyes widened at that.

"Th...this isn't fair...i...i barely had time to spend with you"Hiro said with noticable tears building up at the corner of his eyes.Miguel felt his heart lurch painfully.

Tadashi looked sympathetic and hugged Hiro.

"I know,and I'm so sorry . I wish we had more time,but Hiro you two need to leave now!I don't want you to be stuck down here at such a young age."He said gently his tone slightly pleading

Hiro hugged him back.

"I know.."

"Good, let's go" the siblings pulled away from each other,Tadashi looked at the hour glass.

"We have 30 minutes, luckily I know a shortcut. Follow me" Tadashi said and ran towards the enterance.

Tadashi stopped and made a loud whistle despite  having a lack of lips.

They heard the tell tale sound of an engine whirring in the distance before a bus came skidding to a halt before them.

"Get in" Tadashi ordered getting in himself,the two teens following his lead.

Hiro stopped in his tracks staring at the drivers seat.

" that a red panda?"

"Don't question it" Tadashi and Miguel said in usion

And with that they drove off at a fast speed making people have to dodge in order not to get run over.

(Hey guess who updated!! Sorry that this was so late and junk.....only one more chapter left!! Also  Sorry for any spelling mistakes)

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