Story 1 - Epilogue

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Pre note- 

Longer Chapter Than Usual, Make Time! ;)


[ Anika ]

I sat on the bed flipping through the magazines. I had found them lying on the side table downstairs. He settled beside me, and was typing away on his phone. Having finished his task he looked at me, I did not look up.

"What's this?" 

"Pass time!" I giggled. "Omg, look at this,who even makes this hairstyle. It's like carrying a bird's nest around with you " I showed him the picture of the model laughing. "These magazines I tell you."

Soon we were both engrossed into the magazine making remarks and laughing. One page brought an awkward silence between us. "Compatibility Test - Know your partner better."the heading said.

I looked at him. "Let's try this." He almost coughed. "Are you insane? This is stupidity."

"Shivaay please. It's going to be so much fun. " I had actually glimpsed at the following content and had immediately decided that it would be a better way to know him.

"Alright. If you say so." He sat up straight.

I sat up straight keeping the magazine on the pillow.

"Alright, so Round 1 give yourself points out of ten." I announced scanning through the small paragraph.

"How emotional are you?"

"7-8 out of ten." Said he itching his head animatedly.

"8-9 for me." He smiled as I said that.

"How bad is your anger?"

"9 I guess!" Said he. Woah added to the important mental list. With P.S. saying never make him angry.

He snapped me out of my thoughts."what happened? "

"No, I was just..

" Don't get worked up, I won't get angry at you." He chuckled.

I looked down, hopefully. "For me 7-8 I guess."

"How Ambitious are you?"

"8" said he. I could bet it was a nine.

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