Story 2 - Chapter 10

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Story 2

The Gentleman Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 10

I sat on the bed already tired. We were at 'his' home now. His small bungalow was huge for the two of us. Three bed rooms, two huge balconies, a huge penthouse room which he used as a gym just outside which was a terrace swimming pool. I loved the pretty huge garden leading to the front porch. Couldn't  believe this was where I'd spend the rest of my life. Though in my heart, I missed my small cosy two-storey home. Those stairs that led from the backyard to my room. My room!

Here I was settling my clothes in his room. He was an adorable man. Totally the prince kinds. I was also smart. Many aunts had warned me about the sweet behavior of husbands when they were new and the change of colors that happened as time passed. But somewhere in the depths of my heart– lay the I Love You he had said. I panicked every time I thought of it all. It was too sweet to be true.

"Hey! The food man is here." He announced peeping into the room. 

I looked up and smiled. "Will be down in a minute." 

"Take two, sweetheart!" He gave me that charming smile and left. 

Can he stop being this lovey-dovey? I don't know how many endearments were stored in his head. But, it was awkward to have him call me by everything but my name.

"This is from my favorite restaurant." He said as he scooped out the chow mien and put it on two plates. Not wanting to seem like a expensive princess who did nothing except sleeping I took the Manchurian and served it out on our plates. It was just the two of us. Very awkward!

I smiled as I began eating."How's it?" He asked me as I took my third bite.

"Nice." Oh, I sounded so lame.

He gave a small smile. "Are you so reserved always?"

"Huh?" I stared at him.

"Just asking."

"Ah, no. I mean..I talk."

"That I know." He looked at me amusingly, much to my discomfort.

"Yeah."  I sounded rather stupid. 

"I am waiting to know you more!" I almost choked as soon as I heard that. 

"You okay?" He asked quickly getting to my side and rubbing my back. I nodded as he helped me with the glass of water. This man was really sweet. No Nisha, don't let your guard falls. Everything in life is either momentary or fake.

"I am fine. Thank you." I said.

"You still aren't comfortable with the idea. Are you?" He spoke again after a relative silence of few minutes.

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