Story 2 - Chapter 12

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Story 2

The Gentleman Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 12

I could feel his breath on my neck. I tried withholding my breathing that now happened through my mouth.  Darn, my desires. I wanted him to make magic moving his lips against mine. I had been keeping track of my desires that became strangely wild around him. Percase the side effects of marriage. I had often found myself drooling over this man. 

"Good night! " he said suddenly jerking backwards. What? No. Kiss. What's wrong with him? Hold on. If something was wrong with anyone, it had to be me. 

"Good night!" I said embarrassed. Turning quickly after giving him a glance. I heard him walk away. Why was he not initiating something between us? I blinked. Did I want it? I feared the answer. Was it okay to have a desire, an attraction to someone you didn't exactly love? I was feeling that for him. Oh no. It was the marriage that was driving me to such thoughts I began convincing myself. Before I even realised he walked past me and stood before me. I gazed at him wide eyed. 

"Fudge this pretense!" He cursed, as his hand made it to the back of my head. The next thing I sank in was, my head being pulled closer and his lips over mine. Just what I wanted. I allowed his desperate ministrations and as the feeling sank in, I moved my tongue just as he did. There was sudden heat between us. The ice cold tongues entangled in new hotness. 

I liked how he broke apart to breathe but still kept the lips in contact. I didn't have the guts to look up neither the heart. My gaze was fixed at his lips in those moments when my eyes were open. 

They met, they parted. Our lips seemed to be on their own. I felt his other hand securely on my back while the first was still swimming in my hair. My hands were on either side of his t-shirts hem clutching it tightly. I felt his finger tip up my chin a few minutes later as we both were breathing heavily. I met his eyes. Not just my mouth but my entire face felt like a furnace.  

"Fu-" he said nibbling over my lower lips. I moaned at the sudden sharp tug on my lower lip. 

"Sorry!" He gasped immediately still struggling to breathe. No sooner he said that then his lips took in my lower soothing them. I felt crazy. Warm, mushy and like a jelly. Darn was that it? I was..I was turned on! I grew rigid at the thought. This was a massive realisation that hit me anxious suddenly. 

Before I even knew he had pushed me to the wall, and was kissing my neck. I liked how his muscular body pressed against his mine, how his hand had now entangled mine, how his lips brushed my neck. I felt myself melt. No, no. My anxiety grew. I was muddled. "Arjun.." I breathed out. 

"Arjun" I said a little firmly again.

"Hmm." He said turning to me. His dark brown eyes looking at me through his handsome lashes.

I stared at him. He seemed drugged. I was scared to tell him that I wasn't exactly ready. Why scared? Even I wasn't sure. Because I didn't want him to hate me or because I didn't want him to feel dejected. 

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