Story 2 - Chapter 9

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Story 2

The Gentleman Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 9

The next morning I woke up finding myself in a warm blanket. I turned to the other side and saw a man's face. Arjun! He was sleeping with his abdomen against the mattress his hand over a cushion and lips pouted. I was startled and sat up looking around. It took me two whole minutes to adjust to the situation. I was a married woman now. Reality had never hit harder.

I slipped out of bed stealthily walking to the washroom. I felt my muscles revolt. From the limbs to my shoulders everything pained. I had to walk out of the washroom to take my toothbrush. He was sleeping well. The little sounds I made didn't even make him move a bit. I quickly freshened up and came out to get my clothes. Even though I felt hungry bathing first was a better option. My face looked like I had just come back from war. Thanks to all that eyeliner, eye shadows, cheek color or whatever it was called etc etc. 

The next problem. What do I wear? I was tempted to dress in jeans and top but that wasn't something expected from a newly married woman in India right? I had no heart or energy to look for a dress. I knew the sarees bag. I opened that and fished out one maroon saree, which to me seemed the simplest of them all. It wasn't simple it had embroidered borders and a fancy blouse. But it was simple comparatively to the other sarees that found home in the same bag.

Before going into the washroom I saw the time on the wall clock. What! Ten already. Everyone would have opinions about me by now. Lazy woman, who slept like a rock. 

I rushed into the washroom. I had switched on the geyser while brushing so thankfully I had a nice hot water bath. I made it quick. I peeped out after wearing the blouse and saree skirt he was still sleeping! Yay! I stepped out and started draping the saree. Something that I did everyday for a week before the marriage. No, I did not wear saree everyday. I practiced how to wear them. The formal sarees were easy to drape. But the weird materials that swore not to be where they were, were the annoying kind sarees,  I practiced them. I was glad at the bank, we were expected to wear the saree only during festivals on other days it was formal pants and shirt.

I had never felt so happy. I did everything peacefully while he slept. Once I was done I checked my phone. So many messages from Mumma? And one missed call. I quickly opened my inbox. Woah. That was a long list of dos and don'ts . I swiped glancing at them. I was sure Daadi dictated them out. 

Oh! Make up! Ahh! I kept the phone aside, applied whatever first shade of lipstick I found that matched. Wore back the bangles I removed last night. Rings weren't necessary. Eyeliner. Done. Woosh! Next on list was cook kheer. What? I had practised that as well. Better put as was made to practice. Kheer, Gaajar ka halwa and seeraa

I texted back a good day and leaving the phone went towards his side of the bed. It was 10:30am  already! Shouldn't he wake up? I couldn't go down without him, could I? Maybe Is should ask him what was expected out of me? I stared at him trying to decide. He moved a little. I took that as God's hint to wake  him up. I tapped his shoulder. "Arjun. It's ten."

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