Story 2 - Chapter 1

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Story 2

 The Gentleman Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 1

I walked up and down my room. I could hear the light hearted conversation outside. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. A simple pale yellow saree with a pinkish peach blouse and a beautiful border. Minimal make up. I looked pretty I thought. But I was still nervous. This arranged marriage thing was a little creepy concept. I wondered how he looked, how he was as a person. I hope he did not drink or smoke. That would make me reject him right away. But that wasn't an open option- rejecting him. My grandmother's friend's grandson he was after all. I sighed, I should simply stop over thinking. I walked out of the room and took the staircase that ran from my room to the lawn outside. I entered the kitchen from the rear entrance and there was a strong aroma of tea. I was flattered by the aroma I was sure the guests who were most likely to be my in-laws would too. 

I thanked Rachana, our maid and asked her to quickly leave before anyone saw her. I set the tray and was preparing to go out when my grandmother rushed inside. 

"Oh, good, you've made the tea. The aroma seems amazing. You never make it so well for me. Oh I see , its for your husband after all. "

"Daadi, please. He is not my husband."

"Shhh...don't be loud. He will be, I told you. I m sure he will like you. "

"But, what if I don't like him?" I asked annoyed trying once again.

"Shut up. The guy is nice. I like him. He is Well mannered and has a good reputation."

I rolled my eyes. No point arguing. This was all a formality at least from the girl's side. There would be no decision from my side only his. I hate him already for that.

I did as I was told. I was always a very obedient girl. My parents loved me very much and were proud of that particular virtue.

With my racing heart and tensed hands, I carried the tray outside. Don't look up. I reminded myself. Don't look desperate to have a look. Smile. 

I was asked to take the tray around. Great! Were they all incapable of picking up one cup? Whatever! I obeyed.

This gave me ample opportunity to see them. His mother was pretty and looked young for her age. His dad had a very composed and kind persona. Finally his grandmother. She smiled widely. I smiled back. The other woman behind this mission marriage the first being my grandmother. I moved ahead and my eyes rested on him. A man well dressed in a three piece business suit, two day old stubble making his face look handsome and a very enchanting persona. I smiled. He looked into my eyes. That look was different. And then he smiled formally. Awkward!

I sat and tried not to look at him. As we spoke, I realised they weren't his parents. They were his uncle and aunt. His parents had passed away when he was young in an accident. I looked up at him. He seemed unaffected at the topic. He ran a fashion house and magazine company,"Ritz".

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