Chapter 2

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A Lot of time skips in this one. Sorry, I just want to start focusing more on the world, and not the dreary compound.

The next morning, I'm in the Link room with Norm, waiting for Jake to arrive.

"How much Link time have you logged?" Grace asks me.

"Almost 1000 hours. I was one of the first selected."

"Dedicated. We could use more like you, Kita." I bow my head, smiling at the praise. "What about you Norm?"

"Five hundred and twenty hours." He answers.

"Like- an hour." Jake says. I take a step back slightly. He was not prepared for this at all.

"Tell me you're joking." Grace says.

Norm helps me into my link the soft, squishy gel making my arms shake slightly. "This feels weirder than the foam they used in school." I chuckle.

Norm releases a short laugh. "I bet. This is top quality. Come on, let's get you in there." I lay down, instinctively pulling the metal sensors down. "I'll see you on the other side Kita."

"Yeah, I hope so." I respond, pulling the metal lid down, completely encasing my body. I close my eyes as the link begins.

Suddenly, I feel very different. I open my eyes, and instantly I start to cry.

"Kita? Kita can you hear me? What's wrong? Are you in pain?" The doctors around me ask. I lift my hand to my eyes, looking at the beautiful blues that covered my skin.

"I-I'm fine. I can see. I can see!" I shout, starting to laugh as I look up at the white ceiling. I sit up slowly, knowing the procedures. I look over and see Norm going through the same thing. "Norm! I can see!" I exclaim, still laughing as I look at everything around me. One year I was without sight, Five that I was sleeping. To see colors and shapes again, to see the people around me, was the greatest gift in the world.

Norm looks over at me and smiles. "I knew you would! Let's finish this up, maybe if everything looks good we can travel outside."

I nod and let the doctors run their scans, my mind still ablaze with the realization that I could finally see Pandora the way I want. Something next to me falls, and I look over to see Jake overreacting. He's ripping wires from his body and standing around, whacking things with his tail as the doctors yell at him to calm down. I chuckle a little bit, understanding what he's feeling.

My tail curls around my arm before falling back to the bed. Suddenly, Jake is running out of the hospital wing, and outside. "Jake!" I shout, getting up and chasing after him.

Norm is behind me and yells, "We aren't supposed to be running!"

As Norm falls behind, I catch up to Jake, running side by side, our laughter filling the air as our feet dig into the soft dirt. The colors fly by me, some I didn't even know the names of. Jake stops, digging his feet into the ground as I slow to a walk, looking up into the sky, taking in the beautiful sights.

"It's beautiful..." I whisper, my eyes filling with joy.

"Hey Marine!" Grace shouts. I turn towards her and start walking her way, the medical gown rubbing against my legs. Jake looks shocked to see her.

"Grace?" He asks.

"Well who'd you expect, numbnuts? Think fast!" She throws two fruits, one at me, and another at Jake. We both catch it with ease. "Motor control is looking good!" I smile as Jake moans about the taste of the fruit. Instead of eating, I examine it closely, seeing all of the colors combine in a wave of glory.

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