Chapter 11

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Some of the plants listed, were obtained from the Avatar Wiki, and on the wiki, states they were used for healing.

Currently, we were sitting around the base of the Tree of Souls in silence, just waiting for anything to happen. 

I look around at the children's frightened faces, and sigh. 

"Who would like to hear about my adventures with Tsu'tey?" I asked them, hoping to distract them.

At my words, everyone gathered around me, faces filled with curiosity and wonder.

"We were walking back from the grove of the Trees of Voices. This was before I got Reyuk, my Ikran. I wanted to see the world from up high, so Tsu'tey led me up into a tall tree to show me. From there, Hometree stood proud, it's leaves touching the sky. Many of you know, that when I was a skyperson, I could not see. My eyes were gone. So to finally be able to see this beautiful world, I was so excited. 
Now, something you need to understand, is that I had no knowledge of Toruk at the time. It seemed, that Tsu'tey was too busy seeing this world from my eyes, to not notice the dark shadow pass over us. Toruk had seen us, and came to attack. 
It wasn't until I looked up, that I saw the massive beast coming towards us. While I was frozen in fear, Tsu'tey leaped into action. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and began the climb down the tree, all while I was screaming in his ears."

At this, everyone laughed, seeming to forget that their home might be destroyed. One of the young girls came closer to me. 

"What happened next?" She asked. 

Placing my hand on her shoulder, I grin. "He told me to be quiet, in a not so nice way, and threw me onto the ground once he got to the bottom of the tree. I was about to start yelling at him for being mean, when I noticed he was clearing the way from the roots of the tree so we could hide until Toruk left. It felt like ages that we hid, it was nightfall by the time we got back to Hometree. But during our time spent hiding, I learned a lot about him, and he me. After that, we became friends."

The girl looked at her mother in wonder before turning back to me. "Are you going to be the next Tsahìk?"

I could feel my face getting hot, knowing what she was asking of me. "That is for Tsu'tey to decide."

Her mother smiled at me. "Well, if he asked you, would you?"

Staring down at my lap, I try to keep my voice calm. I couldn't lie to them. They didn't even know what a lie was until Grace taught them. "Of course. I love him." The giggles surrounding me make my face hotter, my eyes still avoiding everyone. 

"Now that Neytiri has bonded with Jakesully, Tsu'tey can be yours." A nearby Elder states, her frail face smiling with mirth.

"Even so, he still loves her. But I will stand by him, no matter what." 

Another Elder, this time a man, gives a deep hearty laugh. "He would be stupid to not pick you Kita. Blessed by Eywa, and a natural healer, you are what all young men dream of. In time, he will see."

Just as I was about to respond, a sickening sound hits our ears. We all stand, and look towards Hometree, where the sight of the leafy giant falling reaches us. 

Without a second thought, I turn back towards the Tree of Souls, and make a bond with the tree with my braid. "Eywa, deliver them to us safely, and without harm." Removing the bond, I turn towards the mothers. "Okay, here's some plants I need. Some will be hurt, and we need to be ready. I need large sticks, soft leaves, some twine. I need some Paywll leaves in case of burns or major cuts. Keep in a group, do not go alone. We don't know what's happening."

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