Chapter 7

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One more for you all! 

Some of you may be confused. The test I speak of was NOT in the movie, but the extended version. It's also in the Transcript, which is what I use to keep the timeline in place :) The transcript doesn't tell me much about the test, and since I have not seen the extended edition yet, I'm going to be making most of it up.

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Several more days have passed, Tsu'tey taught me how to fly properly with Reyuk. He's also been helping me get my flying gear ready. Today, we will be flying with Jake and Neytiri, scouting the skies.

What started out as a slow, easy morning, ended up turning into a nightmare.

Tsu'tey was leading the formation, with Neytiri on his left, and myself on his right. Jake was next to Neytiri, and a young hunter named Atan was next to me. The entire time, Atan kept trying to talk to me. I think he was flirting. Which was strange, as not many wish to talk to me since they still believe I will betray them.

Tsu'tey had shouted, making Atan shut up pretty quickly. It was quiet for only a moment before Jake and Neytiri started to flirt, which only angered Tsu'tey more.

They are supposed to be hunting. I'm supposed to make sure there isn't any sickness in the trees. Which, I'm proud to say, I have not yet seen. The forest is healthy.

A few hours pass, and Tsu'tey has had enough. Atan keeps talking and showing off, Jake and Neytiri just completely left us and went off on their own.

"Atan, go back to Home Tree." Tsu'tey snaps, shutting Atan up once again.

With a quick nod, Atan and his blue-green Ikran break away to head back to Home Tree.

"Tsu'tey? Is everything okay?" I ask, not once has he ever been this stressed.

" I am... conflicted. I don't know what to do."

"If you confide in me, perhaps I could help."

With a deep sigh, he closes his eyes. "To truly become one of the Omaticaya, you must undergo a test of the mind. Not all Na'Vi survive the test. Some die. You and Jake will be tested tomorrow. Mo'at does not know what will happen."

"Ah yes. I have heard of this. But why does this have you conflicted?"

"I want you to truly be one of us, but I also do not wish for you to die. You are my friend." Ouch, why don't you just pull out my heart Tsu'tey?

"Tsu'tey, listen, and listen well. Eywa herself chose me and Jake. Do you have so little faith, that you think she will let us die so easily? A war is coming Tsu'tey, and Eywa knows it. She will need the best healer to help the Omaticaya, and her forest. Do not fear."

He turns my way, and smiles. "Thank you, Kita, for making me see sense."

I make Reyuk move towards his Ikran playfully. "That's what friends do."

He chuckles and turns around in a sharp circle, going back towards Home Tree, and I follow in silence.

I know now, that I have fallen for Tsu'tey. It may not be love yet, but something is there, and with each passing day, it grows stronger.

Though he is supposed to mate with Neytiri, it seems as though Eywa has different plans. I can only pray that I do not get hurt from the outcome.

Back at Home Tree, there is a celebration going on. Apparently, the Omaticaya hold two celebrations when someone officially joins the clan for the second time. One for the night before, in praise of the young Na'Vi coming to age, and again once they pass the test, to congratulate them on the fact that they have passed through Eywa's eyes, and have received her blessing. Or so Mo'at tells me.

I personally just think it's an excuse to drink and throw a party.

However, I will not lie and claim the party was terrible. It was actually interesting. Tsu'tey had a bit too much to drink, same with Jake. Grace had warned him to not drink the liquid, but like always, he didn't listen. The two men seemed to be getting along for once. They were laughing, which is a very good sign.

However, I was being followed around by not just one, but three young men. Atan being one of them. Quickly spotting Neytiri, I bolt over to her, hoping the drunken young men would be slow to reach me.

"Kita! I see you, my friend!" She shouts loudly.

"Neytiri help me! Those three," I point to behind me, where the men were catching up, "Won't leave me alone!" She looks behind me and smiles.

"Kita, after tomorrow, you can choose a mate. They all wish to be chosen. They like you."

I frown, having forgotten that part. "My heart belongs to another who I can never have. I would rather be alone." Seeing the pain flick across my face, Neytiri sobers up a bit and pulls me to the side where she can hear better.

"Kita, Sometimes, who we wish to be with, may be what our hearts want. But it is not the will of Eywa."

"I know. I just wish they would stop following me. I even tried to scare them away. Not even Tsu'tey can get them to stop." She laughs loudly, causing some people to look over at us.

"They will leave in time. But, for now, let us dance." Pulling me to the center of the room where a large fire burned, she led me in a dance until I could do it on my own. "Can I confide in you?" She asks me.

I nod. "But only if I can do it in return."

She leans in to whisper in my ear, "I wish Jake could be my mate."

I laugh and shake my head. How she could love that jarhead is beyond me. Once I felt as though I could talk without laughing, I lean in and tell her, "I wish Tsu'tey could be mine." She stops dancing, her eyes wide in realization, before she smiles and hugs me.

"What is wrong with us?" She asks, "We like who we cannot have." She breaks the hug and looks over at Jake. Tsu'tey and him still talking.

Seeing Tsu'tey so calm, and carefree, was a change. Normally, he was strict, making sure that everything got done. He didn't want his people to starve, or be attacked. He focused so much on keeping them safe, that he had no time to focus on himself, to make himself happy.

"All we can do, is help them find happiness."

Neytiri catches Jake's eye, and motions for him to come dance. He leaves Tsu'tey behind and comes up to us. "Congratulations Jake." I say.

"You too Kita." I smile and nod, feeling slightly awkward now. Neytiri and Jake were stuck in their own conversation, and basically forgot all about me.

Deciding that I should let them have their time, I start walking towards the stairs, a sudden need to see Reyuk.

Leaving the party behind, my mind begins to wander once more.

Tomorrow I could either live, or die. It's a sobering thought really.

Mo'at explained that I will be given a vision, one I have to overcome. Within the vision, an animal will appear. Apparently, that is my spirit animal. If I cannot overcome the vision, I will die.

I'll be brought close to death. I'll be at my most vulnerable. My entire mind will be open to Eywa.

Finally at the top of the tree, I call Reyuk, hoping he isn't sleeping.

It isn't long before my beloved black beast lands in front of me. "Hey boy." I coo, petting his head. "Tomorrow decides our fate. If I do not make it, Tsu'tey will lead you back to your home. Back with the other Ikran's."

Looking out at the world below, I can only pray that I survive this. To leave this world behind, would be the worst fate I could ever imagine.

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