Chapter 5

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Another one for you guys! I'm enjoying writing this so very much. This one is a bit shorter than the rest, but it's more of a filler than anything. You may find the dialog to be a bit... weird, but it has it's purpose, I promise. Enjoy!

The next morning, Grace wanted me to tell her everything I did, and what I was shown, but I was hesitant. Tsu'tey and Mo'at trusted me, I would not so easily betray that trust.

"Trust me Grace, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Mo'at or Neytiri never told Jake what I was doing either, which confirmed my reasoning.

Grace wanted to move us deep into the Hallelujah Mountains, since Jake was seen talking to one of the trigger happy commanders. Which, of course, meant flying.

When we got there, Norm helped me get into the secured area. "It's going to be easier for you now Kita. Less you have to remember." He exclaims, almost excited. He leads me to one of the link pods, knowing that I wanted to get back as soon as I could. "Good luck!"

"Norm, It's 5am, it's too early for your chipper attitude."

Laying down in the link pod, I was excited to get back out there, and see the Tree of Souls once more.

Waking up in the hammock was the strangest sensation ever. I felt weightless, much like I did coming out of the Cryo-Chamber on the spaceship.

I pull the vines back, and carefully climb out, still wary of heights. It appears that I am one of the first ones up. No one else is around as I walk down the steep steps of Home Tree, into the ground center where everyone gathers.

Not finding Tsu'tey, I decide to wait for him by the Direhorses, and wander outside. Coming up on Txur, who I've found to be the leader of the herd, I rub his back. "Tsu'tey was right. You are very strong. But also very beautiful. Thank you for letting me ride you yesterday." I smile as he rubs his head against mine.

Some of the other direhorses come up to me, mostly female, and surround me in a circle. Staying calm, I begin to pet each one of them, laughing when their antennae rubs against my stomach. "Yes, you are all very beautiful." I state, my mind so wrapped around them that I don't notice anyone come up behind the small gathering.

"They like you." I turn to face Neytiri, a smile gracing her face.

"I like them as well." After a short pause, the two of us watching the direhorses return to eating nectar, I ask, "Why did you not tell Jake about what Tsu'tey is teaching me?"

"Why didn't you?" I face her completely, stunned.

"I... I don't know. He wouldn't understand what I was doing. He's a warrior, he does not care for the things around him." I wander back towards Txur, and he greets me with his antennae.

"Because he does not see?" She asks, following me, but staying away from Txur.

"Yes. When he finally see's, then I will tell him." Silence fills the air after that, Neytiri waiting for Jake, and myself waiting on Tsu'tey. I turn to her, "Why do you stay away from Txur?"

"He does not take kindly to others besides Tsu'tey, and now you." I tilt my head in confusion. A direhorse being mean towards others is rare, since they are such gentle creatures.

I notice Jake walking towards us, tsu'tey not far behind him. "I guess this means we must part ways. Good luck today Neytiri." She nods her head, then walks to Jake, leading him away from the horses, and back to Home Tree.

I make the standard gesture, my hand to my forehead and down again, greeting Tsu'tey as he approaches, to which he replies back. "Come." He mounts another Direhorse, leaving Txur to me once again. Said Direhorse leans down, letting me get on him easily. Making the bond, we are off, running through the woods as fast as ever. The colors flash me by, and I can't help but wish I was born here, in this world. I spur Txur closer to Tsu'tey.

"Do you think Eywa would grant a simple wish?" I ask him.

"Eywa does not always listen. It depends on the wish I guess."

"I hope she's listening today." He finally turns to look at me.

"What would you wish for?"

My face heats up, and I look down. "I wish to leave my human body behind. I don't want to wake up to darkness, surrounded by the sounds the sky people create."

"Eywa works in strange ways, Kita. She may just grant you what you need, more than what you desire." He pauses for a moment, as if in thought. "Why would you wake up in darkness?"

I close my eyes as we continue through the forest. "In my other body, I am blind. My eyes do not work. I had not seen colors or shapes in so long until three days ago. This is a beautiful place." When I look back up at him, he's looking at our surroundings, as if truly seeing them for the first time.

"You are right. I have not noticed before. Growing up in these trees, I never realized. But after seeing what your people create, and what you just claimed, I realize just how lucky we are."

"We killed our mother, so we came to find another. But all we are good at is destroying."

Before he has a chance to respond, we arrive at the Tree of Souls. Without stopping, I make my way over to the tree, studying the environment, how much sun hits the tree, how the roots make their way through the area, stretching out to the forest beyond.

Each root lights up with a blue-green hue as I touch it, much like the other plants do at night. The closer I touch to the tree itself, the brighter the glow is. I turn to look at Tsu'tey, a frown on my face.

"I'm not sure if this tree can be regrown if something happens. This is Eywa's connection to the planet. If this dies, then so does she. I'm sorry Tsu'tey, I know this is not what you wanted to hear."

"Very well. Let us return. Mo'at wants to speak to you, and I have hunting duties I must perform."

The ride back was silent, neither of us wanting to talk. It wasn't uncomfortable or unbearable. It just simply was.

When we got back to Home Tree, everyone was busy. No one was standing around. The elders were keeping the children busy, the mothers out hunting or gathering. The men were nowhere to be seen, and young hunters were waiting on Tsu'tey.

The two of us parted ways, him off to teach the hunters and warriors, and myself to find Mo'at.

When I found her, she was surrounded by many different plants and seeds. Greeting her, I looked around the area, noting everything's location.

"I see you, Kita. It is time we taught you what we know."

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