Chapter 8

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Omg, I think this is one of the longest chapters. The whole story about the Thanator Spirit animal was made up. Just saying.

Leave me your thoughts and your love.

But most of all, enjoy!

I was up before anyone else. I didn't want the talk from Grace, or from Norm, about how I shouldn't do this. I just wanted to see, to talk to Tsu'tey, to run without restraint. I could die tonight, and I want to spend my day the way I want to.

It seems that Tsu'tey had the same idea. For when I woke up and walked down to visit Txur once more, He was already there.

"I see you Tsu'tey."

"As I see you Kita."

I help him lead Txur into a different area, one filled with other direhorses. "Can I tell you something?"


"I want to tell you the story of my people. Of our dream. The human race, since the day of their first songs, have only wanted to be happy, and have peace. They wanted to worship their Eywa the way they wanted. But, others did not agree. Many believed that the way everything should be done, was their way, and no one else's, that everyone else was wrong. They hurt those who were different. Then something changed. We turned away from our Eywa, our mother. We turned to metal and power. We wanted everything to change, to be easier. We fought in wars, we killed our own. All of this, you already know. Grace has told you, and you have seen it.

But not everyone is like that. There are people like me and Jake, who see so much good in life. There are healers who help the old and weak. There are many teachers like Grace, that want to help the children learn.

I know the Omaticaya do not like the sky people. But it is only because you see the warriors. You do not see our children, our mates, our families. You only see one leaf, instead of the entire tree."

Tsu'tey, through the entire thing, was silent. He looked at me, and paid attention, instead of turning away and ignoring me like he has done in the past.

"Why do you tell me this?"

Grimly, I smile. "Because I do not want you to think bad of my entire people. I wanted you to know this before tonight. So no matter what happens, one of the Omaticaya knows the truth."

He returns my smile, and bows his head slightly. "Kita, should the worst happen, I will tell this story until the end of my days."

Having a burst of courage, I pull him into a hug. "Thank you Tsu'tey." He hugs back slightly, most likely shocked and a little awkward. Pulling away, I look back towards Home Tree. "I'd like to visit the Tree of Souls before my test."

"Like old times then?" I smile and hop on Txur.

"Yes." I spur Txur forward before Tsu'tey even has a chance to mount another direhorse.

We take the long way, enjoying the forest and the sensation of the wind against our faces.

This forest had become my home. I could easily spot out the first few trees I helped grow, their tiny branches just barely above the ground.

We passed the Tree of Voices grove, small saplings of the trees littering the area. My work was progressing, and I couldn't be happier.

When we finally approached the Tree of Souls, we spot Jake and Neytiri flying in the air. I wave up at them, knowing fully well that Jake will gush to Grace about how I was allowed to be there.

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