Chapter 10

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After the Bind them part, I had lost most of what came next due to a power outage. I rewrote it, but it's just not the same sadly. I hope you enjoy it! Tell me what you think!

Tsu'tey and I ran into the commons of Home Tree, searching for Eytukan. He must know what has happened. They all must know.

Tsu'tey spots him first, and runs over to him, with me running right behind. Forgetting the greeting, Tsu'tey stops in front of Eytukan, and instantly starts into what happened. "We must fight them!" He shouts, angered.

"I agree with Tsu'tey, but we must think about this. We must plan this out. They have very strong armor, one your arrows cannot pierce."

Eytukan nods his head in understanding. "What do you suggest we do? You know them best."

With a deep breath, I stay silent, thinking of what we could possibly do. "We draw them out. If we attack at their home, they will kill us all. If we can bring them out, much like with hunting, we can get them on our terms. Not there's." Tsu'tey smiles at me and nods, agreeing with my plan. "But, we still do not have the weapons we need to do damage. They are harder to kill than a Thanator."

"What about the clear masks they wear?" Tsu'tey asks, "If we break those, will they die easier?" I think for a moment then nod.

"The air here, is poisonous to them. They cannot breath it. Break the masks, and they die."

Eytukan nods his head. "Very well." He turns to the people that have surrounded us. "Tsu'tey will lead the war party!" He shouts.

"Please - this will only make it worse -" Grace shouts.

"You do not speak here!" Tsu'tey responds, anger in his voice. I spot Jake and Neytiri walking towards us, hand in hand. Tsu'tey stalks up to them, rage being seen in his every move. "You!" He exclaims, slaming Jake's chest with his hands, making Jake topple over. "You mated with this woman?" Everything is drowned out as I stare in shock. Jake just had to be stupid.

"Is this true?" Mo'at asks.

"We are mated before Eywa. It is done." Neytiri answers. Tsu'tey turns to Mo'at and Eytukan, his face distraught, so many emotions showing on it, I cannot read him. I can,however, feel my heart drop at his pain. I have never know heartbreak. Not until now. My heart dropped into my stomach, the physical pain very real. It felt as though, once it dropped, a thousand knifes were stuck in it, being twisted around.

I felt as though I was falling through a deep hole, that was never ending. All my hopes felt as though they had been crushed. There was too much pain today, and it took everything in me to stay standing. All I wanted to do, was sit down and cry from the pain.

"Neytiri was promised to me! Everything is changing! Everything is destroyed!" He shouts, the pain easily felt in his words. Not only did we lose the sacred grove of the Tree of Voices, but the people's culture as well. He turns and points at Jake, his pain replaced with pure anger. "These aliens kill everything they touch, like poison!"

Mo'at just stares at her daughter. "Neytiri! If you choose this path, you can never be Tsahik. Your life will be wasted."

"I have chosen." Neytiri claims, her voice strong.

Tsu'tey, his emotions clouding his judgement, takes out his knife and lunges at Jake. I can only stare in shock as Jake and Tsu'tey fight, not knowing where I stand. Jake and Grace, they brought me here. It's because of them that I can have this second chance at life. But, the Omaticaya are my people now. My human body was gone, dead. I could never go back.

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