Jelani Alladin X Reader

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Here's my very first imagine! There's a video that part of this request was based on, I'll link that as soon as I can! Thanks for requesting @GenderbendWriter, I hope you like it!!

I stood at the very edge of the wings leading to the stage, twiddling my thumbs nervously. I was making my Broadway debut as Princess Anna in the Frozen musical. Jelani quietly came up to stand next to me. He glanced over at me, taking on of my hands to hold in his. He had been my first friend when I came to the show a little over a month ago.

"You're gonna be great." He said quietly to me with a hint of a smile.

I smiled back as he squeezed my hand gently. "Thanks." I replied, quickly letting go as I heard my cue on stage. I was still a little nervous but swallowed it as I made my entrance at the end of 'Do You Want To Build a Snowman?'.

I ran offstage to my first quickchange, adrenaline running through my veins. I was nearly giddy as my dresser attempted to get my next costume on. All thoughts of my nervousness before was gone, and exhilaration had taken its place. I flew through the beginning of 'For the First Time in Forever', the audience laughing and applauding when they were supposed to, their interaction only spurring me on even more.

Time seemed to stop however, when I caught Jelani out of the corner of my eye. He flashed me a quick smile before we continued on with our scene.

The rest of the show seemed to fly by, Jelani always making sure I was doing okay during our scenes together until the very end of the show.

The smile on his face and happiness in voice was real when he asked to kiss me during the finale of the show. The audience seemed to cheer louder than at any of the scenes before. We even broke character a bit, our laughs refusing to not be heard as I stayed in Jelani's arms a little bit longer than necessary.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as our curtain call began and lasting through it all, my cheeks had begun to hurt before it had even ended. The second the curtain came down, Jelani ran to me with his arms out and I immediately ran into them, wrapping my arms tightly around him. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, spinning me around as we laughed, our happiness exploding out and spreading to everyone else.

"You did it! You were amazing!" He said excitedly, his hands cradling my face.

I laughed as I nodded, a few tears spilling out of my eyes. He quickly wiped them away before laughing again and pulling me into another hug.  He pulled away after a minute, his hand still cupping my cheek.

"May I kiss you?" He asked quietly, quoting his line from the show.

A small laugh escaped as I nodded, my hand coming up to rest on his chest.

Jelani wasted no time in pressing his lips to mine, his other hand coming up to stroke my cheek.

I pulled away slightly, still keeping our foreheads together. "I love you." I said quietly.

Jelani smiled widely, a small laugh escaping. "I love you too."

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