Ethan Slater x Reader - Smut

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Okay, this got way longer than I meant haha! Thank you @Jamie_Laufeyson1 for requesting this! I hope you like it!

I sighed as I looked into the full length mirror in the bedroom that I shared with my husband, Ethan. I was six months pregnant with our first child and I was starting to look like a beached whale. Between the stretch marks, my stomach looking like I swallowed a beach ball, and the rest of my body changes that were too many to name, let's face it...I didn't feel good about myself anymore, much less pretty. To think myself sexy was just a joke.

Ethan came in from our bathroom and caught me looking at myself with a frown. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" He asked gently, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I sighed again as I looked at him through the mirror. "Are you sure you think I look pretty?" I asked, my frown deepening.

I could see Ethan's brows furrow in confusion before pulling away from me to look at my face properly. "Is that what's bothering you? Of course I think you look pretty. In fact, I think you're beautiful." He answered so earnestly that you had to believe him but somehow, I didn't.

A small smile appeared on Ethan's face as he took my hand. "Instead of me telling you, let me show you." He said, pulling my hand and leading me towards the bed.

He pulled me into a gentle kiss that quickly got rougher, nipping at my bottom lip as he pulled away. He slipped my shirt over my head before laying me back on the bed.

I could feel my self consciousness about my body creeping up again but Ethan didn't let it stay for long as I felt his hardness through his jeans as he leaned over me.

"Do you see what you still do to me?" He said quietly between kisses, with a bit of a smile. He kissed down my neck, his hands running down my sides, stopping when they reached my belly. "You're carrying my child." He said, kissing my belly as he pulled my pants down and slid them off my legs. "And to me, there's nothing more sexy." If I hadn't known better, I would have said that there was a hint of pride to his voice.

There was already a sizable wet spot on my panties and the cold air of the room, made it quickly noticeable, a stark contrast to my heated skin. A smirk formed on Ethan's face as he saw the state of my panties. He lightly traced down the middle of them, teasing me. I gasped, the sound turning into a moan as he stroked harder, my hips bucking into his hand. His touch was electric, sending jolts straight to my core.

Ethan smirked and pulled away, making me whine in protest. He had already been shirtless when he came in and had pulled away to pull his pants and underwear off. His proud smirk made a reappearance when he noticed how hungrily I was looking him over. He stalked over to me, removing the last bits of my clothes before looking me over.

I was afraid to meet his eyes as he looked at me, surprised when I did to see them full of love. 

"You are so beautiful.." He murmured gently to me. He smiled as he came close to press a kiss to my lips, lining himself up and thrusting into me.

We both moaned into each other's mouths, my hands holding tight onto Ethan's back, scratching long lines up his back as he set a fast and furious pace.

My eyes screwed shut as my hands tugged on his curly ginger locks. "Oh my god, please don't stop!" I moaned out, meeting his thrusts with some of my own.

Not long after, I could feel Ethan's hips stuttering against mine. He spilled into me with a guttural moan, prompting my own release.

He pulled out gently and laid beside me, both of us breathing heavily. He turned to face me, kissing me gently. "I love you so much. You are perfect." He said quietly, pressing his forehead to mine.

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