Danny Skinner/Wesley Taylor x Toddler!Reader

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A pretty short request this time but so cute! Requested by 

The high pitched sound of a child laughing met Danny as he entered the home he shared with Wes and their child, Y/n. 

"I'm home!" He called as he closed the front door behind him. 

"In here!" Wes' voice called from the living room, accompanied by childish giggles. 

Danny smiled as he headed into the living room, greeted with the sight of Wesley balancing on the armrests of an easy chair, Y/n in his arms. "And what is going on in here?" He asked, an amused smile playing on his face. 

"Hurry, Daddy! You have to get off the floor!" You shrieked in delight, laughing as Danny obliged, quickly climbing onto the couch. 

But why do I have to get off the floor?" Danny whined to you, making you laugh. 

"Because..." both you and Wes said together, "the floors are lava!" 

Danny laughed, his heart filling at the sight of his two favorite people. 

Wes grinned over at Danny, holding you close in his arms. "Hold on, we're coming over!" He warned, a mischevious smirk on his face.

Danny grinned back, holding his arms out for Wes to toss you the short distance to him. You screamed in delight as Danny safely caught you, holding you close and pressing kisses to your face. 

You laughed, wrapping your small arms around Danny's neck, kissing his cheek. 

"Here I come!" Wesley called, balancing on just the one armrest and jumping over to the couch, next to you two. 

Danny caught Wes with his free arm, pulling him close as the two of them lovingly turned their gaze to their most prized possession, you. 

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