Ethan Slater x Reader

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This cute story was requested by @BeckyMerari1808!I hope you like it!

I sat excitedly in one of the front rows of the Palace Theatre, my blue eyes sparkling with anticipation. I was seeing my childhood best friend, Ethan Slater, make his Broadway debut as Spongebob Squarepants. There was a smile glued to my face throughout the entire show, though it might've gotten even bigger, if possible when I saw that Ethan had tweeted about me seeing the show during intermission.

As soon as the curtain call had ended I was escorted backstage to Ethan's dressing room, knocking lightly on the door. I don't know why I was so nervous about seeing him, though it had been a long time since I'd seen him last. 

It seemed like an eternity until I heard shuffling coming from the room within, the door eventually opening to show Ethan himself.

His eyes lit up as soon as he saw me, a wide toothy grin appearing. "Katie!" He opened his arms and pulled me into a hug that I immediately returned.

I closed my eyes as his arms wrapped around me, having forgotten just how strong he really was. Eventually, he pulled away and looked at me, a huge smile on his face that I couldn't help but match. "Hey, Ethan!" I said happily, the sparkle in his eyes reminding me just why I had fallen head over heels for him. Truthfully, I hadn't forgotten but I was sure that Ethan couldn't feel the same way about me. I was just a friend to him.

"So are you gonna let me in?" I asked jokingly, tucking some hair that had fallen out of my braid behind my ears.

Ethan's cheeks turned a bright shade of red as he realized that he actually hadn't invited me in. "Sorry! Yeah, come on in. Welcome to my home away from home." He said with a laugh as he took a step back and held his arm out, showing the room to me.

I laughed as I stepped into the room, finding his blush adorable. "It's actually really nice in here." I commented, sitting down on the couch against the wall.

Ethan shut the door softly, finally turning to face me. "T-thanks. I like it too."

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him, the only times he had ever stuttered as a kid had been when he was really nervous. "Ethan? Is something wrong?' I asked, concerned that maybe I had done something wrong.

Ethan took a deep breath before finally turning around and walking over to the couch, sitting down next to me. "Can I tell you something?" He asked quietly, the worried look on his face not making me feel any better.

I nodded quickly, "You know you can. Is everything alright?" I asked in return, leaning forward somewhat.

It was a long moment before Ethan spoke again. He took another deep breath and decided to just spit it out. "I love you, Katie. I always have." He looked down at the ground, afraid to see what my reaction would be.

I was so surprised by his confession that I had forgotten to respond. I sat there with a dumb smile on my face before gently taking Ethan's hand in one of my own, the other one cupping his cheek.

He looked up at me, a sweet yet nervous smile appearing on his face when he saw that I was smiling as well.

"I love you too, goofy." I said quietly, a laugh spilling out as I smiled.

Ethan gingerly lifted his hand to the top of my head, stroking the golden strands. A small smile played on his lips as if he couldn't believe his luck. "May I kiss you?" 

I nodded, unable to stop myself from smiling as he leaned forwards, gently catching my lips with his own. 

After a moment he pulled away, still smiling, and I took the opportunity to snuggle into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. Ethan held me tight, his head resting on top of mine. "Thanks for coming to see the show." He said quietly with a smile. 

I laughed as I looked up at him. "My pleasure." 

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