Alex Brightman X Reader Part 1

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Requested by @LydiasNightmare, I hope you like it! Part 2 will be coming!

I stepped outside the stage door of the Winter Garden Theater and out onto the sidewalk of New York City.  I smiled as a loud cheer erupted from the fans gathered at the door as I came out,  immediately moving towards the nearest playbill. I had been making my way down the line of people, talking with fans and taking pictures when another, even louder scream came from the fans, signaling that someone else had come out the door. I turned back to the stage door, smirking as I saw my husband Alex coming out of the door. His eyes found mine as he started down the same line, a smile forming on his face. Eventually, Alex caught up to me at the end of the line, taking my hand as we finished with the last few fans, waving as we walked off down the sidewalk.

"How was your show?" Alex asked as we walked down the steps into the subway station and into the train.

"It was good, I got to look at the really cute lead all night so I can't complain." I answered, laughing as he blushed. "How about you?"

"It's funny you say that I was onstage with a really cute girl all night." He answered, a smile forming as I laughed. We continued talking about the separate parts of our day, until we walked up the steps of our apartment, glad to be home after a long two-show day.

I immediately headed for the shower and stepped in, letting out a blissful sigh as the hot water ran down, relaxing my tight muscles. I felt a smirk growing on my face as I heard Alex slip into the bathroom, his head popping into the shower soon after.

"You've been with me all day and you already miss me?" I asked with a laugh, raising my eyebrow as I saw him looking me up and down.

A smirk crossed Alex's face now, matching my own, "You know I can't stay away from you." He replied, stepping into the shower behind me.

I laughed as I turned to face him, resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "You're such a goofball." I murmured into his chest, my smirk growing into a full smile.

Alex ran his hands down my back, kissing the top of my head, "Yeah, but you love it."

We turned the water off after a few minutes and got out as I grabbed towels for us both. I handed Alex his towel as I unfolded mine, starting to dry myself off. I glanced up after a minute to find Alex watching me through the mirror, a strange look on his face.

I stopped toweling myself off, turning around to look at him completely. "Babe? What's the matter?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

Alex turned to face me instead of through the mirror, a smile growing on his face as he did. "Nothing. I just like watching you." He answered, drawing me closer as he kissed me gently.

I laughed into the kiss, letting my hands rest on his toned chest. "Ah, my own personal stalker." I murmured against his lips, a smile creeping onto my face as I kissed him again.

He laughed, pulling me closer to him as he took the now forgotten towel out of my hands. His own towel already on the floor, he took my hand and lead me to our bedroom before capturing my lips again. I moaned as he lightly nipped at my lips, kissing me more forcefully as he backed me into the bed. He let go of me as I leaned back on the bed, watching him as he stepped away and looked me over. "You're so beautiful." He breathed, coming closer to the bed, a loving smile forming on his lips.

I smiled back, feeling my heart swell as I reached for him. He happily obliged, capturing my lips in a sweet kiss as his hands roamed my body. I moaned as his lips planted kisses along my body, his hands following the trail until he finally placed a kiss to my inner thigh. My body arched up into his touch as my hands tangled themselves in his unruly dark hair.

"Alex, please..." I moaned out, my nails scratching at his scalp as I tugged. I felt his lips turn into a smirk against my skin before moving back up my body, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"What do you need, sweetheart?" He asked mischievously, tracing a finger down my cheek.

"I need you, please 'Lex." I asked, pressing a swift kiss to his lips.

Alex smiled into the kiss, not answering, simply doing as I asked. I moaned as I felt him thrust, Alex pressing a loving kiss to the corner of my lips as he found his rhythm. "I love you so much, Y/n." He murmured in my ear, brushing my hair back from my face.

 My lips curved into a smile, meeting his eyes as we rocked together. I pressed my lips to his in a slow kiss, "And I love you." I replied between kisses.

Two months and two missed periods later, I stood in our bathroom staring down at the pregnancy test in my hands. "Oh my God..." My heart felt like it was going to burst and I could hardly keep the smile off of my face as I went to find Alex. I found him in the living room, hiding the test behind my back as I rounded the corner, desperately trying to school my expression back to normal. "Alex?" 

Alex looked up at me from the script he was reading as I sat on the couch in front of him. "What's the matter, darling?" 

A grin took over my features as I held out the pregnancy test for him to see. 

"I'm pregnant!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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