Ethan Slater x Reader

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I'm so sorry this has taken so long to get up but I hope you like it Jamie_Laufeyson1 ! And I haven't forgotten about the rest of your requests you guys, don't worry!

Ethan shifted nervously as I tried to tie his tie around his neck, the operative word being tried.
"Stay still!" I chided, lightly smacking his shoulder as I continued.

Ethan made a face, and tried to do what I had asked though his hands quickly started fidgeting. "I'm sorry, I can't help it! I'm so nervous..."

I left the tie alone for now, resting my hands on his firm chest. "Baby, they're gonna love you." One of my hands lifted to stroke his cheek. "You have nothing to worry about, I'll be right there with you."

Though he hid it well from fans, Ethan was a ball of anxiety in new situations and meeting my parents definitely qualified.

His hands finally stilled as he gave me one of his heart melting smiles. "You're right." He replied, kissing me gently before letting me finish with his tie.

An hour later we were standing in front of my parents front door. I took Ethan's hand and gave it a squeeze as he looked at me. "Ready?" I asked, offering him a smile.

"Ready." He smiled back and knocked lightly on the door.

A moment later the door opened to reveal my parents, who quickly shot an appraising look at Ethan before turning to me. "Y/n, it's so good to see you!" My mother exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled as she hugged me, releasing her after a moment and hugging my dad quickly. I turned to face Ethan, taking his hand again. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Ethan."

I squeezed his hand gently in encouragement as he introduced himself to my parents and walked inside.

The evening was going even better than I expected and my parents seemed to love Ethan.  We were halfway through dinner and conversation was flowing easily.

"So Ethan, what is it that you do?" My father was asking, looking over at Ethan.

Ethan smiled, "I'm an actor, sir, on broadway right now actually." He answered proudly and I couldn't help but smile. My parents seemed less thrilled, however. Their faces dropped and my father looked rather concerned.

"So, what do you do to make enough money to support my daughter then?" He was asking now, still friendly but I heard that familiar edge creeping into his voice.

Ethan also seemed to catch on to this, looking a lot more unsure of himself now. "Uh, well, that's all I do. Acting is my full time job."

I took Ethan's hand under the table as my dad looked over at me. "Dad.." I warned, regretting introducing them now.

He shrugged at me, seemingly oblivious to how rude he was. "Well, I just want to know how you're living if he isn't making any money."

My eyebrows shot up, shocked that he would be so callous. I glanced over at my mom for some help and found she had suspiciously suddenly forgotten how to speak. "It's really not anyone's business but ours, and I'm so happy with Ethan. Isn't that enough for you?" I asked, gripping Ethan's hand.

My father shook his head, the only one of us four who didn't look uncomfortable. "I'm just looking out for you. Actors make hardly any money, and everyone knows they're notorious for running out on you." He replied, answering as if he were explaining this to a child.

I gasped, horrified at my parents behavior and stood up from the table, Ethan's hand still in mine as he followed my lead. "I cannot believe the words coming out of your mouth. You couldn't be further from the truth and until you learn to mind your own business, we won't beback." I snapped before turning to Ethan. "C'mon," I spoke softly to him, "we're leaving."

I ignored my parents calls as I slammed the front door behind us, heading towards the subway station. We walked in silence for awhile, my heart aching as I thought about how Ethan must feel. "Those things aren't true, you know." I said quietly, prompting him to look over at me. "What he said about you. I'm sorry he said them."

Ethan shrugged lightly, and looked away from me. "No, he was right. I'm not good enough for you. I won't be able to support you like you deserve."

I dropped his hand to cradle his cheek and bring his face back up to mine. "Hey, look at me." I waited until he did before speaking again. "I think I'll make that decision." I said with wry smile. "You are perfect to me, you make me happier than I've ever been and I love you. Don't let what that jerk or anyone else says make you feel less than. Ok?"

Ethan smiled as I gently stroked his cheek, turning his head to kiss my wrist. "Ok."

I smiled back, hugging him tightly as he leaned down to kiss me. "Good."

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