7/24/14 Rookie Camp : Day 2

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7/24/14 Okay children! Since Rookie Camp started this Diary is up and running again!

 Okay so Day 1 went okay. We have to walk down to our soccer field (through the road, over the band field, by the garbage and down some steep as fuck stairs then past the football field. Its a pretty long walk). On our way back, after marching and stuff, I was walking with my section leader and then I was like "Ooo stairs" AND I RAN UP THE STAIRS BEATING EVERYONE UP.

 Everyone was just  cheering me on and crap. This is why I do band, folks.

 Then on day 2, the same thing happens, execpt we weren't with our section leader. So I was walking with Emma/Emily/Whatever I call her and there were some guy behind us messing around with water. So when I reach the stairs, I run up them again. And then once Im at the top and when we've been walking for awhile. I AM CHALENGED TO A RACE.

 Matt is a short trumpet kid. Nuff said. He gave up before I did so I technically won. HE beat me to the band room but whatever. I still won.


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