7/30/14 DRILL AND UNIFORMS (Band Camp Day 3)

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7/30/14 Okay so today I got my uniform fitted and shit.

 So I go in the room, and it was sectionals and kinda close to when we were supposed to go to Full band (Not really oh well).

 Anyways, so I'm in there and this girl I shall call September, who's older sister, who i shall call August, plays Flute and is section leader for flutes, basically told me to pick up a hat and try it on right? Well so the hats there are all mediums and I happen to see my brothers's old hat just laying there..

 YOU GUYS ALREADY KNOW I PICKED THAT HAT UP AND TRIED IT ON. But here's the catch, my brother's enemy WAS going to use that hat. But he was like "This isn't gonna work" and put it back so I got it. It's mine now :3

 OKay so now were in drill now. We had this weird chip thing and I hated it because I'm trying to check coordinates right. ANyways so it's set 7 and this guy that's friends with my brother is next to me. 

 He's like (In a weird voice) "Me and your brother are good friends"

"I'm aware of that"

"I think we can be friends too"


Person : "(Name) That voice is so creepy"

Then later on im there like at focus/attention and and he starts Beat - boxing and I'm like "WTF"

 Plot twist: He's a sousaphone player.


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