They Are Back And Stronger - Chapter 6

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June 16, 2016
POV of Splinter Ray
NY SH HQ 348th floor
Around 8:30 PM

The 348th floor is the floor where we can chill in and relax. That's pretty much what I'm doing right now. It's just me and a few other people who work here over here. I don't really have anything to do today, still no reports of crimes or anything. I'll just be chilling in here.

Ray: Huh? What's this now?!
Guard: Splinter Ray! You really need to see this!
Ray: Um ok.

I head over to the computer to see what's going on. On my way to the computer, while I'm still quite far, the first thing I see is a face that looks familiar. I'm still not yet sure who though... Just a second later, I see the face clearly. The scary thing I'm thinking of right now... might be the case... That's the face of Vern Zuyev... He's broadcasting himself worldwide. What I'm thinking of is... he's starting it again. Another superhuman world war...

Vern Zuyev: You all know me by now people of the Earth. You people think that these so called "heroes" or "saviors" have successfully saved you. They may have won two world wars. They may have slowly eliminated my people. They may have set me back. But... you don't see, don't you? THEY HAVE NOT STOPPED ME! I ALWAYS CAME BACK STRONGER EVERY TIME THEY PUT ME AND MY PEOPLE DOWN! IT MIGHT MEAN NOTHING TO ANY OF YOU! YOU ALL JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!

Ray: I'm going to Blitz...

I teleport my way down to his operations room.

Ray: BLITZ!!!

Blitz: There's even more reason now for this generation to use their powers... They must know how to fight for their lives.

Ray: Blitz... they'll help us... I don't think a superhuman like Alfred would fear saving the world. Even his friends are ones who look like they wouldn't fear saving the world.

Vern Zuyev: LIGHTNING BLITZ!!! MOST OF THE WORLD LOVES YOU AS A HERO!!! YOU AND THE OTHERS WERE ALL STRONGER BEFORE! YOU HAVE BECOME LAZY LIKE THE PRESENT GENERATION! YOU CAN DO BETTER AND YOU STILL DON'T! Also, my last words from my last attack. I stated that we all have other plans. I have plans... and I'm sure you have too. It's time to see who's plans are better people. NOW! FIRST ATTACK! NFLD, CANADA!
*Broadcast ends*


The computer shows live footage above the coast of NFLD, Canada. Most countries today have defenses all around their country. What I mean by that are the coasts, at the edges of the country, where land meets water. The coast of NFLD, Canada is fighting against forces from the water.

Blitz: The lead hero in that province of Canada is Stealth Chill! From the squad of Sabotage Hawk!

Ray: Yes! The stealth heroes! Zuyev might want to take them down!

POV to Stealth Chill
St. John's City Superhuman Headquarters
Around 10:05 PM

I see, Zuyev has come to take my province down. He's aiming for the capital of the province first, St. John's City. This city is also close to the water. Russia is on the west of Canada, and this province is the east most province. They might be sandwiching Canada... That would mean that the next attack would be in Alaska.

Chill Assistant: Stealth Chill! I'm sure it's time for you to work again! Keep this province protected!
Stealth Chill: Ahhh, don't you worry. I'll be taking them all out one by one. Just the way I do it. My stealthy way.

I teleport somewhere not too far off from the coast. It's a vantage point where I can see the coast clearly. I see the Canadian coast guards holding off the Russians with everything they've got. What I'm really looking for here are the superhumans though.

Just a couple of seconds later, I hear a Russian voice shouting the orders out loud. It definitely isn't the voice of Zuyev from what I'm hearing. I look over to where I'm hearing it from, and yes, I'm right, it isn't Zuyev. However, the person is someone I know, he's a huge threat like Zuyev.

The man I see is someone from Zuyev's squad... the anti-air expert... Sergei Kondrati. He's the best in taking down flying targets. Me and my squad have seen him in combat. It's best to have a really good plan in mind if you're going to fly while against him. Anyone who's not way stronger than him won't have that good of a chance when flying. I can now hear him commanding the men

Sergei Kondrati: Вы все знаете, что мы не можем захватить эту страну, если эта провинция все еще здесь, чтобы защитить ее. Вот почему мы здесь сегодня, мы собираемся снизить его атакующую способность и оборону. Затем мы можем перейти к следующему шагу. (You all know that we can't take over this country if this province is still here to protect it. That's why we're here today, we're going to bring its attacking capability and defenses down. We can then move on to the next step afterwards.)

I do know a bit of Russian, thanks to the outstanding brains of the alpha humans. And me deciding to learn Russian in my free time. So, how I understood his message, by looking at his facial expression and listening to the words. They plan to take over this province first, before they take over the whole country of Canada.

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